chapter 18

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The gates gave in. With chants the crowd of Humans stormed towards the front entrance. A line of knights charged forward in a bid to hold them back. They obeyed their master and used no weapons, only their metal bodies to keep them at bay. The crowd struggled and tried to shove past. Home-made bombs began to go off as the crowd further back tried to break them apart. Frank gritted his teeth as he and the other Monsters looked on. It didn't take long before the suits faltered.

The density of the crowd was too much. They crashed on ahead and shouted at the Monsters. With their pitchforks and torches ready, they prepared to clash. Frank roared and ran at them at full speed. He shoulder barged into the first row before picking one of the Humans up over his head.

"Leave us alone!" He screamed in his monstrous voice.

He threw the man into the crowd, trying to push them back whilst at the same time not tossing him hard enough to kill him. The Humans faltered slightly as the other Monsters, inspired by Frank's bravery, now headed towards them. With shouts all around, the two races fought against each other. Although the Humans were doing everything they could to fend them off, the Monsters tried not to cause injury. Now was not the time to confirm the Human's opinion of them. Eunice joined her husband in holding the front line back, whilst Wayne snuck behind one man and pulled down his trousers before he could stab him with his pitchfork.

Past the chaos, one man managed to break through, he ran towards the hotel but soon came face to face with Blobby. The Monster held up one hand to halt him. The bearded farmer tossed his pitchfork like a javelin. Blobby closed his eyes as it came at him. When he opened them again, he saw the weapon piercing half way through his gelatinous body, but he was completely unharmed. The man charged at him in defiance and went to punch him when he was sucked into the Monster. Blobby looked down at the Human, feeling quite pleased at his own efforts. Pinching his nose, he blew out, sending the man and his pitchfork flying out of him and back towards the crowd. He rubbed his jelly hands as if they were covered in dust and charged ahead to join his brethren.

Inside the hotel, Dracula broke free of the killer who was attempting to break his neck. He punched out at him but Eustice grabbed his arm with both hands and twisted it, before kicking the Count across the corridor. Eustice attempted to reach room one seven four, but Dracula shoulder barged straight into him, pulled his legs up and slammed him against the floor. Eustice grimaced and tried to free his blade arm. Dracula had his hand round the Hunter's throat.

"Do it then! Give into your instincts!" Eustice taunted him.

No, he couldn't do it out of anger.

Eustice broke free and sliced sideways, catching Dracula's upper lip. A trickle of blood sprayed across the wall as Eustice forced him back and constantly tried to stab him. The Count had his back against the wall. He stood next to his daughter's room, giving no inch to the hunter. The two stared deep into each other's eyes as the knife went back and forth between them. They both thought of everything that had led them to this. Dracula could see Martha behind the hunter's eyes, the woman he had taken from him, and Eustice could see his lost love in Dracula's. They both fought for their memory.

Eustice knew Dracula wasn't going to give in, so he played him. He looked to his side.

"Little Mavis wants to play too." He lied.

Dracula, out of fatherly instinct, turned to see her. He couldn't let her watch what was happening. With him distracted, Eustice let go, leant back and kicked upwards, sending the knife into the air. Dracula was dazed by the move, giving Eustice the chance to catch the knife mid-spin and ram it into his chest.

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