•Bonus Chapter•

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A surprise for you people. Well, I wasn't planning to write this but my sista asked me to write somethinf like that in epilouge and since I had written the epilouge I couldn't rub it and did this :)
{ My sister makes me do good things. Doesn't she? ;) }

And there's a AN in last. Do read that cause that's the last one :)

P.S: This is making me so emotional. This last chap😭


An year old Geetanjali threw her hands and legs up in the air and giggled seeing her papa, beech walay papa and chotay papa who were playing with her. They were playing the hide & seek game which was almost every child's favourite.
Geetu had same eyes like her father, the green blue grey coloured eyes. His eyes colour reflected in hers and her's in his.
"Papa..Bade papa...Papa..."These voices hit Shivaay's ears simultaneously when he was going to put his hands on his eyes
"I wonder what blunder they did now?"Shivaay thought and left Geetu in the charge of OmRu
"Papa...bade papa...eeeee"The kids shouted his name happily and the little one squealed
He found a 4 -year old Ansh and Varun with a last week turned 3 year old Payal tangled in fairy lights. He sighed as he saw another big girl with them tangled in the fairy lights as well.
"I should leave u people like this"Shivaay scolded them ligthly and started to untangle them when Payal clapped her hands and squealed in her baby voice
"Eee...bha...ta...de..."She said in her baby language trying to make Shivaay understand what had happened there
After Shivaay untangled the kids he looked at the big girl who stood her with a sad and a pouty face.
"I would say u are a kid Ani"He said and started to remove the fairy lights from her
"What can I do? They make me their prey always"She blinked her eyes and moved here and there a bit
"Stand straight Ani"Shivaay made her stood still putting his hands on her waist "U know u are tangled badly"
"These two naughty devils made me and my Payal tangle in these lights"Anika pointed her finger towards Ansh and Varun who were giggling with the little Payal sitting beside them
Shivaay put her hand down and after battling for 10 minutes with the lights Anika was finally freed from them
"Atlast. Breath Anika breath"Anika took deep breaths making Shivaay roll his eyes
"What happened here?"Shivaay demanded an asnwer
Picking up Payal from the floor Anika dropped a kiss on her cheek making her giggle
"Woh u see today is our anniversary na so I was setting these lights here and then Dadi called me. When I came back I found these two devils all tangled in the lights with my little Payal and when I tried to untangle them..."Anika narrated the whole story to Shivaay when he cut her
"U tangled urself"
Anika just nodded her head in affirmative and Shivaay looked at her. He was going to say something when Payal squealed and say something in her baby language
"Ka..naa...bha.."She said as she was trying to say it wasn't badimaa,(she called her Ka) but bhaiyas
"Got it Payal! Ur badimaa isn't at fault"Shivaay accepted his defeat infront of Payal
"Eee"Payal squealed as celebrating her win
"Papa..we were just playing!"Ansh tried to clarify him and Varun
"Haan bade papa. Payal came herself"Varun put the blame on Payal
"Look Geetu! Everyone's trying to save eachother"Rudi said as he and Om came in the lounge with Om carrying Geetu
"Pa...." Payal squealed happily seeing Rudi and showed her 4 to 6 teeths
While Geetu laughed seeing her mama. Payal threw her hands towards Rudi and Rudi took her from Anika while Geetu threw her little hands towards Anika and opened and closed her fists. Anika carefully took her in her arms and tickled her
"Beech wale papa ask papa not to scold me and Varun. We are little boys!"Ansh tried to take help of Om and Om sighed listening the name Beech wale papa
"Haan papa if u say then bade papa will not scold us"Varun stuck on Om's legs
"I am not going to scold u. I know u didn't do that intentionally"Shivaay calmed the two kids and after that both run towards him.
Bending down to their height Shivaay took them in a hug
"Anika I hate you for giving me such type of name"Om gave a saddened look to Anika
"What can I do? Ansh was keen to ask me what should he call you? Having no option I told him this name"Anika made a puppy face as it always saves her. Geetu chuckled seeing the face she made. Geetu poked into Anika's eye at once making her wince in pain
"Mumma ko nahi maarte Geetu"She covered her eye from her other hand and rubbed it.
"Show it to me"Shivaay removed her hand from her eye and blew on it with rubbing her eye softly
After what Anika said to Geetu, Geetu was all sad
"No problem. It happens"Anika kissed Geetu's cheek when she saw her sad
"U don't love me mumma"Ansh passed a new statement and Anika's eyes widened in shock
"Come here you little devil"Anika bended down to the height of Ansh"Mumma loves u both, equally"She kissed Ansh cheek as well and took him in a hug.
All his while Geetu was busy staring his papa who was making her laugh by making different faces
"Pa...Ma?"Payal questioned to Rudi and Rudi took her to Saumya
Varun was sticking to his father's legs when he heard her mumma calling out for her
"Varun? Come and eat your food"Ishana climbed down the stairs calling out for Varun
"Go Varun"Om tried to send him but he was no mood to leave Om. He raised his head and looked at Om with puppy eyes
"What?"Ishana who came there stood beside Om and saw him doing this
He stayed quiet and kept looking at them like this
"Let's go"He said and left Om and went with both of them holding their hands and leaving the couple confused

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