Our Love

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* Alisa's POV

        It is the summer before my eigth grade year. Today is August 18th, 2013. My name is Alisa Shimmer. My boyfriend and I have been planning on having sex, but we could never find a day or time. Especially since my mom is a teacher, my sister goes to college but still lives with us, and my dad works at this weird plantation. I have talked on the phone with my boyfriend, who is the Carson Timberlin! Carson and I first started talking in sixth grade after I had broken up with another guy named Karson (only spelled different and had a different last name) Peed.

        Karson Peed was sweet but I couldn't see my life with him, which led to the break up. That is when I told a friend of mine I need a boyfriend. That my friends is how I got Carson Timberlin's number. I texted him first and since then we haven't quit talking since. That's why I am ready to give him my virginity... I feel like I can see my life in the future with him. I know I will regret it later but I don't care.

..... The next day .....

        "Okay, well my sister just left so nobody is home but me. I am going to do some cleaning before you arrive." I say into the phone.

        "Alrighty. I will be there shortly." He replied.

        With that the call ended and he was on his way. I knew it would take him about thirty minutes to get there, so I had to hurry and clean. It was not long after I had finished cleaning that he arrived. Dang, if I had known he would have been here this soon I would have only showered. Now I'm sweaty... I hope that is alright with him.

        Soon after he walked in I told him I was going to take a shower.

        "I'm about to get a shower, do you want to take it with me or not?" I asked seductively.

        " Doesn't matter to me. Do you want me to?" He asked caringly.

        "I don't care decide."

        With that I went to the bathroom, and undressed. I turned on the water while I used the restroom. I couldn't hear it when he walked in, but when I walked back into where the shower was there he stood undressing.

        "Well I guess you are taking a shower with me." I say, almost as a whisper.

        "I guess so too." He said.

        He begins walking toward me, then kisses me. I jump in the shower right after. Then he comes in behind me with a condom in hand. I am glad he remembered because I am not on any pill. Once he is in,  he started to put it on. That is when he started to ease his penius in. My vagina was wet from the water coming down my spine. I could tell he liked it.

        He then asked me to get out of the shower because this was apparently not working for him. Once I step out, I don't even have time to turn off the water before he grabs me. After he grabs me he puts me on the counter, and starts to go for more. Need I remind you this is both our first times, so I am obviously in pain but I say nothing. I say nothing because I know it will help later for when I decide to have sex more often and it feels so amazing even though it hurts.

        As he takes it in and out, Carson then kisses me on my neck and tries to leave love bites (hickies). Too bad I caught what he was trying to do and made him stop. Then, he finally decides to just kiss me on my neck and make out with me. It's so amazing, I can feel my vagina getting tighter and tighter. Soon he stops. I was disappointed because now he had me in the mood for more. But, just as I thought he stopped he made his way all the way down to my hips.

        He begins to finger me. I feel relaxed for once, this is my get away. I take in the moment but just as I did next thing I see and feel is him eating me out. I become breathless and my eyes gently roll to the back of my head. The way he grabbed my hips made me tighten even more. The way his tongue met every place it could, coming in and out, going from side to side, and going deeper within every time it entered. I knew in these few hours we had together I wouldn't regret it. Just as I had that thought cross my mind I moaned, loud. It wasn't only a whimper but a full moan. I am surprised he got me to do that.

        We soon finished up. He wanted us to go to my room, so we both got dressed. Only this time round two was faster. It hurt a lot more, but I loved it! We tried to get me up against a wall so he could do a better job of pleasuring me, but it ended pretty quick as a fail. Once it didn't work he turns around holding me, then throws me gently on the bed. Then kisses me all the way down again, only stopping to kiss me or suck on one of my nipples.

        Soon after it was time for him to leave. That was the end of our wonderful time. He ended up getting a cup as a prize. We didn't talk until the next day late in the afternoon. I was hurting and thanks to him I ended up starting my period earlier that month. I wasn't exactly happy with him at the time, but I love him so I messaged him anyway.

...Later That Month...

        School has just got back in, it hasn't been long since Carson and I have broken up again for the millionth time. Not many people know about this summer, which honestly I will admit I regret sometimes. I feel like my brain was trying to love and accept him. We all learn, I even hardly remember last year it's all a blur, thanks to him. I am glad yet sad that I am now in eigth grade. I promised myself this year would be different, I would make it memorable just not like that. I also promised to better myself by getting perfect attendence and good grades. Starting this year has already been hard enough. I know I am not ready for this. Will I ever be? I can't move forward because I am still stuck in last year, when Carson and I were together and happy.

......Just before the middle of the school year......

        We are now almost midway through the year. I still talk to Carson just not as much and not like we had. Though it could be because this time I finally had the guts to leave him and find someone else. I am now with a guy named Jason Bease, he is a gentleman. But, I can tell I am not in love with him like I thought I was. I cant tell him yet, maybe one day we will experience love one day and he will realize that we never had that. This won't be as easy since he is in JROTC and he is so nice.

        Over the course of a few days, he finally broke it off. Now I am kinda sad and want him back. I am determined......

....Over halfway through the year....

        Now we are three fourths through the year. I ended up back with Jason.  Too bad I broke his heart. Maybe I will find someone else or I have already found the one, because I keep running back to Carson. I continue to ask myself why, but come up with no answers. Right now I just need advice because Jason's friend who is a girl is fussing at me and getting mad at me for the break up. At this point I think texting Carson will definitely help.

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