UA (Yuuei) Sports Festival!?

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(Okay so I know I fricked up the plot entirely by skipping ahead a year, but I wanted to make it seem like a reasonable amount of time for (y/n) to learn all that stuff. Please just bare with this. Sorry about all that XP)

"If you leave with regrets, you will never find peace."



-The Next Day-

During class I mainly zoned out, due to the fact that I didn't get much sleep last night. Yesterday had been so much fun, that I couldn't stop thinking about it. I never thought that in a million years I would get to have a day like that. All I heard was the class yelling about some sports festival... Wait... That actually sounds fun! Maybe I can ask someone about it later. Oh, there goes the teacher...

"Hey (y/n)! Are you excited about the sports festival!?" A boy named Kaminari, I think, said. I turn to the electric blonde.

"What's a sports festival?"

"Were you not listening!? Well, it's this HUGE event that involves students from all hero classes and even the support classes. We all compete to get number one in the events!"

"We all know that I'm number 1 so shut it! Damn side character!"

Man, does he have any chill. I turn to the talking  time bomb.

"Just because you say you are going to be number one, doesn't mean it's a definite. Sure you might get the spot, but you also might not. Just saying it openly isn't worth anything. Your actions speak louder than your words." I say back calmly. Honestly it was starting to get annoying listening to him calling everyone a side character or an extra. Also the fact that he is so full of himself. He needs to learn to be more excepting. 

"What the hell! Are you looking down on me!"

"Someone has to."

He stood up and stomped over to me.

"What the hell did you just say?"

"I'm stating the truth. I should know. You saw what a mess I was a year ago. You know, when I tried to kill you?"

I leaned my face closer to his with a glare that matched his.

"You should learn your place. If you don't you might end up like I did..."

I lean in closer missing the front of his face, now by his ear.

"Unless you want me to remind you of how awful it was...?"

He backed up looking slightly shocked, but it soon returned back to anger.

"What ever side character! I will be number one! Just you wait! Get in my way and I'll kill you!" And with that he stomped to the door.

"Be bad and we'll kill you..." 

What the hell...? Who said that? I look around but it seems no one else had heard it. I look back to see Bakugou at the door. When he opened it, there was a mob of students waiting outside. They shouted things like,

"Woah! So this is class 1-A?"

"I thought they'd be cooler."

"Did they really fight villains?"

We all stared at the mass with confusion. 'Were they there the whole time?' I thought to myself. They seemed to be questioning us...

Bakugou was arguing with some of them, as to be expected. Soon the crowd left and everyone was finally able to leave. I walked home with Kaminari and Kirishima since we lived relatively close to each other. I also really enjoy their company. Kaminari has a great sense of humor and his attempts at flirting are absolutely hilarious. Kirishima is pretty cool to be around and I like his whole, "That's so manly" thing. We were also going to walk with Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya, but they left earlier.

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