Chapter 3

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Back from camp. FINALLY :) but guess what?

Weekly Schedule

Mon: Morning Study Classes/Workshops + CCA-Band-(Till 7 pm)

Tues: The day I have to complete stupid assignments

Wed: CCA-Band-(7 am to 7 pm)

Thurs: Refer to 'Wed'

Fri: Refer to 'Thurs'

Sat: Tuition + Kayaking

Sun: Tuition


Me gonna b ded soon XD


I sighed a little as I lightly flicked Yoshiro's forehead. "Enough fooling around. We need to help Oka-San with the orders." I said sternly as I, too, disappeared into the kitchen.

Yoshiro gently massaged the place where he was flicked as he pouted. Akita ruffled his hair and said, "cheer up, champ," before entering the kitchen followed by Yoshiro.

"Koname dear, take this to table 9. It's a regular. Careful, honey. It's hot." Mother said as she handed a tray of Shiro Miso soup and Tempura Udon to me. I nodded her head as I left to attend to the order.

I balanced the tray of fragrant hot dishes on one hand as I walked to the assigned table. I made my way to the corner area of the customer-dining area.

There, I noticed a very familiar man; long, silky hair tied into a ponytail, radiant, fair skin, masculine figure and a plain, charcoal black yukata.

I took gentle steps towards the table. I slightly bent down placed the food on the table in front of the man. I smiled and straightened myself as I held the spruce serving tray in such a way that it was between my arms and my tummy.

"Welcome back, Fujinami-Kun,"

Fujinami; he's a regular at our restaurant. He dines here very often and orders much variety of cuisines and dishes but he would usually order his regular: Shiro Miso Soup and Tempura Udon.

"I hope you enjoy the food today as well," I said with a note of liveliness and small bow before making my way back to the kitchen. Fujinami nodded before picking up the chopsticks and taking small bites of the food.

The rest of the day went past as a blur with daily routines being repeated. I mostly assisted Mother with cooking, serving and washing of dishes. Soon, it was already closing time.

"Take care and thank you for the helping hand, Aki," I said as I faced Akita in front of my family's restaurant-house.

"I told you before, there's no need for 'thanks'. It's natural to help out especially when your restaurant is always so busy and packed. Well then, goodnight, Koname," he said warmly. He gently ruffled my hair as the last sentence came out of his mouth.

I have this warm feeling in my stomach; the feeling of being loved by an older brother. "Alright, you too," with that, Akita took off and was on his way home.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I stretched my arms a little before stepping back into my house. The day carried on, as usual, closing off with my usual nightly routines.

Two days have passed, and nothing was out of the ordinary, at least, not until this very morning.

"Calling all man of eligible age! Emperor Watanabe is summoning thee to the upcoming War against the Earthen Clan! Report by the morning after the next day!" I saw the Emperor's lapdogs announced before they pinned papers, with the same information but with more details, on the village's notification board, through the window of my room from the second floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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