Coming out of the Cobwebs

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Jimin pulls his phone out of his pocket as it continues to vibrate. He takes a look at the caller ID before sighing and declining the call. He's had enough of it.

"Who's that?" Hoseok asks Jimin as the two walk down the street towards Jimin's apartment.

Jimin puts his phone in his pocket and slides his hand back into the firm and comforting one of his boyfriend's. "Unknown," he says nonchalantly.

"Again?" Hoseok asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "Have you ever answered it?"

"No," Jimin admits. "I don't wanna answer a blocked number. It's probably just a prank call. Hopefully it stops."

Jimin speaks too soon, however, as the phone starts to vibrate once again. When he checks it, the same Unknown shows up on his screen. He groans.

"Lemme answer it," Hoseok offers. Jimin gladly acquiesces and gives his boyfriend his cell phone. "Hello?"

Jimin waits for Hoseok to continue talking as they walk across the street, but he stays silent. "Anything?" Jimin asks.

Hoseok purses his lips and shakes his head. "Hello?" he asks again into the phone. "Is anyone there?"

Jimin holds his hand out for the phone back when he knows that Hoseok is getting nowhere, and he ends the call. But before he can even slide it into his pocket, it starts vibrating again.

"Are you kidding me?" He wants nothing more in that moment than to throw the phone into the nearest gutter. Knowing he would immediately regret that, he instead rejects the call once again and puts the phone into do not disturb. "I'm telling you, I'm over this. Watch this be some psycho trying to kill me."

Hoseok chuckles and shakes his head. "You're dramatic. It's probably just a prank call like you said. You can deal with it after your exam tomorrow."

"Yeah I know," Jimin says as the two of them reach the door to Jimin's apartment. "And you better study, too. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Hoseok nods his head and leans down to give Jimin his daily goodbye kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Goodbye," Jimin says, waving as Hoseok turns around and makes his way to his own house.

When Jimin enters his apartment, he closes the door and leans against it with a sigh. He checks his phone once again, only to see that he has two more missed calls from the same Unknown in that short walk.

It bothers him a lot more than he wants to admit. The calls have been coming for days, and he's just honestly too scared to pick up. But at the same time, he doesn't have time to deal with it, as it's midterm season, and he needs to study.

Study. Jimin shakes his head to get this disheveling topic off his mind and makes his way to his room in his apartment. He drops his backpack on the floor next to his bed and plops face first right into his mattress. He has a dozen hours of studying ahead of him until his next exam, and he isn't ready to start it yet.

He lifts his head and massages the stress out of his face as well as he can, and he stands up to go wash his face off in the bathroom.

That's when he sees it.

The Polaroid photo taped to the outside of his window.

Jimin slowly approaches it, unable to make out the picture that's on it but too skeptical to even want to. He pushes closer, regardless, until he's just inches away from it. What he sees makes his heart almost stop with confusion and fear.

It's a picture of Jimin and Hoseok hand in hand walking across a street with Hoseok having a phone to his ear. Hoseok is shown in the same outfit that he was wearing when he dropped Jimin off, and Jimin is shown in the same outfit that he is currently standing in.

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