Capturing the First Moment

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Yoongi took a deep breath and pressed his thumbs together as he waited. He waited for a friend to come by and tap him on the shoulder.

He waited to be able to look up and see the smiling face of someone who wanted to work with him, someone who wanted to actually spend time and converse with him, someone whom he would enjoy being with.

But of course, he was still waiting, because he had no one to tap on his shoulder.

He had no friends.

Of course he had no friends. No one wanted to be friends with the quiet and intimidating teenager who always had an angry frown plastered to his face, his pale skin accented by black clothes and gang signs outside of school.

No one wanted to be friends with the ruthless rapper who dyed his hair so often that there had to be a supernatural cause for it to not fall out.

He wasn't complaining, though; he was used to it. He had been living like this all his life. He admitted that it wasn't the best possible life he could have asked for, but being treated as so allowed him a lot of valuable time to himself, and if being rejected meant that he didn't have to be around people, he would take it. He didn't want to deal with the privileged pricks littering the halls he walked in everyday, and he was glad to have an excuse to avoid them.

Thus, he waited just like he always did on the first day of labs as everyone chose a partner. Eventually, one unlucky fuck would end up with him.

However, he started to get confused as no one approached him.

"Okay class, if you have any questions, ask now," the physics teacher asked, looking around the room at the students. Yoongi half-heartedly raised his hand up to catch her attention. "Yes?"

"I... don't have a partner," Yoongi admitted quietly.

The teacher looked down at the roster and pursed her lips. "There's supposed to be an even number... looks like someone's not here. I guess for now you can join a group of three—"

Just then, a boy burst through the classroom door, panting heavily with sweat rolling down his smooth forehead. He wasn't someone Yoongi had ever seen before, but he knew immediately that he would start seeing a lot of him.

"S-sorry I'm late! I—" The boy was out of breath. He bent down and put his hands on his knees as he tried to catch a few more breaths to finish his sentence. "I forgot to set my alarm and woke up late. I'm so sorry!" the boy said as he bowed multiple times.

The teacher narrowed her eyes upon seeing the boy. "Where is your uniform?" she asked him sternly.

The boy looked down at his attire as if he didn't already know that he was wearing a black sweatshirt with basketball shorts, and he raised his hand to nervously rub the back of his neck. Yoongi couldn't help but think that it was cute, albeit stupid.

"Um, I actually moved here two days ago. I don't have a uniform yet..."

The teacher softened her face into a smile. "Ah, it's okay. You came just in time. Go sit next to him" — she pointed at Yoongi — "he needs a partner... and so do you."

The boy complied with another polite bow as he headed towards the back and pulled a seat next to the said boy.

The teacher continued giving instructions for the lab they were about to start, but Yoongi wasn't paying attention. Instead, he was examining his new partner as thoroughly as he could through the corner of his eyes.

Much like Yoongi, the boy had brown hair that resembled hay from being dyed too much. Encircling his thin eyes was an overabundance of black kohl that Yoongi strangely found to look breathtaking. Whether it be breathtakingly beautiful or breathtakingly intriguing, he wasn't quite sure.

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