Bennet • Suprise Parties | pt.2 |

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Opening the door, you absentmindedly duck down. The dart flies past your head hitting the dartboard. You stare in awe and amusement when you see the party set up for you. The streamers are still hanging at weird angles. The furniture is surprisingly not broken. Colorful balloons are scattered about in the room. 

You hear humming from the kitchen as you seat yourself on the sofa. Naomi enters the living room with a poorly frosted and sprinkled cake in hand. Next is Declan who is holding a ton of presents - which are also poorly wrapped. Jordan runs in last, wearing sunglasses and holding a leash with a cute puppy. The small dog yells running around with its tongue sticking out. You laugh and hold the puppy up. Stroking it's fur, Naomi comes and gives you a side hug. 

"Happy birthday. You're the best girl friend I could ask for." You thank her and gasp when Jordan squishes you and the puppy in his arms. His voice is muffled by your shirt. Declan rolls his eyes playfully. 

"Happy birthday, kiddo." You look around and the musketeers seem to notice your parnoia.

"He's in his room."

"Yeah, we made a mess and he freaked out on us." Your mood drains for a second before changing.

"Well he doesn't know what he's missing."


You all laugh at another one of Jordan's jokes. Cake crumbs, pizza boxes and wrapping paper are trashing the table. From upstairs, you hear a door slam. The last musketeer stomps enraged down the stairs. 

"Jordan, for the last time, STOP YELLING!" 

He groans and pulls his blonde hair in frustration. "Oh Bennett, Y/N's here."

At this, the first musketeer stops in his tracks. You're here!? The living room, food and presents are a mess. He'd been trying to clean up all morning but couldn't. What's he supposed to do?

A faint blush brushes across his cheeks. Did you think he forgot your birthday? He shook his head of his thoughts, walking downstairs to where all of you are seated.

"Hey Bennett." Your voice brings butterflies that travel from his stomach to his heart. Your beautiful (e/c) eyes stare into his blue ones.

"H-Hey, Y-Y...Y/N." Giggling is heard and he glares at Naomi, Declan and Jordan who are covering their mouths so no laughter escapes. Jordan makes kissy faces, Naomi makes a heart with her hands and Declan pretends to gag.

"Really guys." They look up at him innocently.

"C'mon boys. Let's give 'em some privacy." Naomi leaves the living room heading to the roof with Jordan and Declan following.

After a few moments of awkward silence, you clear your throat. You open your mouth to reply but Bennett beats you to it.

"Y/N, I've had a crush on you for a while. Your smart, pretty, badass at times and can always make me smile and laugh. I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else. I understand if you don't feel the same. But I felt like I needed to put that out there."

You don't say anything which worries Bennett. Had he said something to make you upset?

You smile at him. Gathering your courage, you wrap your arms around his neck. He seems surprised but places his hands on your waist.

"I like you too." You softly press your lips to his. He smiles into the kiss making you laugh and pull back.

"Thanks for the party."

"Anything for you."

"We just need to figure out how to tell my brother."

"Fu-" Jordan pops his head in the doorway.

"Language, Benny Boo."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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