On the way to Tenrou

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Luke's P.O.V

"Nashi! Nashi!" I was running into her room. She sat at her window seat looking down at the sidewalk below. I could tell she wasn't very excited. The trials are today and Rodi and I have been working hard so we could have a fighting chance... All the teams are crazy strong this year. I'm terrified.

"Ready to go?" Rodi asked sitting next to her. She turned and looked at him then at me. The smile reaches to her eyes but I could tell it was fake. She is just as scared as I am.

"Yep let's go." She said getting up and walking out of the room. I looked at Rodi and pointed in her direction and he just shrugged and followed her down the stairs. I did the same.

"I am so proud of you guys!!" Mom said hugging Nashi than Rodi. "Good luck!" She said hugging me.

"Where's Dad?" Nashi said a hint of fear in her voice.

"Yeah, he only sees us off when we leave for Missions..." I said.

"He left early this morning for Tenrou... You'll see him there." Mom said smiling. I saw Nashi's face grow dark and she looked down.

"Good to know... Let's go, guys," she said and we followed her out. She walked ahead of us still looking at the ground.

"Who's her partner again?" Rodi asked. I shrugged.

"No idea..." I said.

"Hey! Dragneel's!! Wait up!" I spun around and looked at the redheads running towards us. Rose waved her hand as Reiki ran behind her. The two quickly made it to us and stopped right in front of me and Rodi.

"Hey, Rose! Hey, Reiki! You guys heading to the dock?" Rodi said.

"Y-yeah.." Reiki answered before looking away.

"Holy mother of-" Rose yelled. "It's true! I thought you were joking! Your going Nashi!?  Oh jeez, I can't wait! Who's your partner?"

"Like I told Reiki... It's a surprise." Nashi said smirking at her.

"Fine, I can wait a little longer." She said crossing her arms and puffing out her cheeks. She started to walk again and Nashi joined her as they started a random conversation. I smiled as Rodi ran to catch up to them. I turned to follow when I remembered Reiki standing behind me. I turned and looked at him. He was watching his sister and the others gather at the dock with master Erza. His face was almost as red as his hair. The mark on his face blended with his cheek.

"You okay Reiki? You're red... Like really red." I said looking at him he smiled his usual sheepish grin and rubbed the back of his head.

"I good.. all good... Yep, it's just your hot. I mean I-it's really hot out yeah..." He said laughing nervously. I raised my eyebrow but shook it off. Reiki acts like this sometimes but he mostly picks on me when we are on Missions. It's like his personality changes when we are home.

"Okayyyy... Let's meet the others.." I said and turned to walk away. I heard him whisper something under his breath and I turned around again. "What?"

"Nothing.." he said turning red again. I smiled nervously and turned around and walked towards the dock. I was trying my best not to trip and fall or do anything stupid since I could hear Reiki's light footsteps behind me. Reiki and I have always been this way. We are both really awkward and sometimes speechless. We have both grown up and our magic is stronger then it was before but one thing still hasn't changed and I hope it never will.

Sylvia's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and looked around. My room was filled with light. How beautiful-

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