Taking care of you- next morning (Thomas) part 2

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Third person POV

You groaned at the sunlight shining through the curtains and woke up to find yourself in your clothes from last night. You then felt an arm around your waist and you look to your left to see Thomas fast a sleep beside you, in his clothes from last night too.

You may have been drunk but you remember everything that happened last night, you smiled at the thought of you and Thomas admitting your feelings for one another then quietly slip out of his grip to stand up off the bed.

You winced at the headache you suddenly got but continued to grab some clothes to wear for the day then crept into the bathroom to get changed. You brushed your teeth and took off your make up from last night before tying your hair into a messy bun then getting changed.

You quietly made your way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. You made yourself a glass of water and grabbed some aspirin to take in hope of getting rid of this horrible hangover. You groaned at the throbbing pain in your head and took a seat on the stool in front of the counter before putting your head in your hands and closing your eyes.

You wanted to make breakfast for yourself and thomas as a kind gesture towards him for taking care of you last night, but realistically you couldn't even stand without feeling light headed and as if you were going to faint.

A few moments had passed and you heard the bedroom door open. Thomas had walked out of the room and his hair was still messy from being a sleep. He grinned at you when you made eye contact but frowned when he saw the unhappy look on your face.

"Hungover?" He asked you.

"Little bit" you nodded but soon winced at the pain you had just from doing that. He chuckled to himself a little and grabbed his jacket which was on the back of the couch.

"Go back to bed" he told you sternly. You looked at him dumbfounded.

"What?" You questioned.

"The hangover isn't going to go if your trying to do things Y/N. You need to rest" he said, coming to your side from your seat at the counter.

"Look, I'm gonna go back to my place and get changed and stuff but I'll come back. I don't want you alone feeling like this. I'll grab some breakfast along the way okay?" He told you with care.

"Thomas no it's fine, you've done so much for me these past 12 hours I don't want you to have to-"you told him but got cut off by him.

"I want to take care of you Y/N. I'll be an hot okay?" He told you. You nodded in response and smiled as he placed a kiss on your forehead.

He walked towards the door to your apartment and opened it.

"Thomas" you called out to him. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at you.

You chucked him your key to the apartment so that he didn't have to knock and you didn't have to answer. He smiled in response and left the apartment after saying "go back to bed" to you one last time.

You smiled to yourself before obeying his orders and going back to bed.

Meanwhile as thomas was walking back to his place he checked his phone for any messages and saw one from Dylan in which he sent last night.

Dylan- she get back safely bro?

Dylan always cared for you, he had been your best friend for years now and treated you like a sister from day one.

Thomas- yeah I made sure of it 👍🏼

Thomas replied before tucking his phone in the pocket of his jacket and picking up his pace of walking.

As soon as he got home he got showered and dressed as quick as he could before leaving his house again. He stopped by a local cafe and got you both some breakfast and also stopped at a flower stall to get you some flowers before heading back to your apartment.

He unlocked the door to your apartment and walked inside, putting the keys on the counter where they were earlier. He placed the food and flowers there for a moment as well whilst he took his jacket off.

Picking them back up, he quietly walked into your bedroom to see you peacefully sleeping again. He smiled to himself and placed the flowers on your bedside table.

"Y/N, I got breakfast" he told you quietly as he gently shook you awake.

You opened your eyes and smiled at the sight of Thomas. You groaned and sat up in your bed, leaning against the pillow.

"I got you those flowers too" he said pointing to the pink flowers that sat on your bedside table.

"Awe thank you thomas" you smiled at him happily before pulling him into a hug.

He sat beside you on your bed and you both began eating the breakfast he bought, making small talk.

"Why did we hate each other so much, Thomas?" You laughed, finishing off your food. He shrugged.

"I never hated you, I think because we are so alike we clashed a lot and just always wanted to better each other" he answered you.

"Yeah that's true" you responded with a laugh. No matter what argument you both would have, it would be over something stupid but you were both too stubborn to ever give in which made the atmosphere so much more tense whenever you two did fight. But deep down you both always knew those feelings were there for one another.

"Dylan texted me making sure you got home safe" he told you.

"Yeah he does that a lot, goes all big brother with me" you told him with a small laugh.

"Well there's nothing wrong with that" thomas grinned at you before sliding his arm around your waist and allowing you to rest your on his chest to sleep some more.

It's crazy to think that two days ago you and Thomas despised the thought of seeing each other and now your both acting all loved up.

You smiled at the thought of things going well for you two but mentally frowned as negative thoughts started flowing through your mind...

What if things didn't turn out well between you two and you end up being even worse than you were before?

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now