Stray dog part 4

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Karen Ashley Ashley *starts to cry * Ashley answer me please

Ashley mom *saying hurtly*

Karen baby where are you

Ashley under the plane wing ouch

Karen umm I'm coming everyone here is dead *cry's more*

Ashley *cries*

Karen Wait I see a guy walking out of the room that's randomly still standing

Ashley mom I'm right here help me

Karen It's too heavy imma get a stick or ohh metal

Ashley hurry

Karen * lifts plane wing with metal*

Ashley mom *whispers*

Karen *whispers * yess

Ashley he's coming closer with something in his hand

Karen run

Ashley *screams*

*reaches a dark alley way*

Ashley mom I think we're lost

Karen ummm maybe

Ashley ugh why does everything go so wrong

Karen I don't know sweetie

Ashley  Maybe we are cursed

Karen I don't know not to my knowledge

Ashley we better find somewhere to stay

Karen we don't even have clothes

Ashley yea we do as you know I am the greatest scientist we have here so I invented a pocket size carrier our suitcase are right in my pocket

Karen so how do we open it

Ashley by pushing this button

Karen okay there's a hotel come on let's go

They run to the hotel they asked for a room the lady said they had only one room available and if they dared to go in there it was the spooky darkest and most haunted room Karen asked if they could share a room with someone the lady said yes go to room 666 they went off

Read the next story to find out what happens after they arrive to the room 666

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