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It took a couple hours but I was finally feeling 100% again. I texted Chappo to let him know that I was on my way down to Bondi. C: Hey Chap, I'm leaving Bronte now. Should be at Bondi in about 20. C: Awesome. Text me when you get here. I'll let you into the tower. I started to walk down to Bondi, taking in the beauty of the eastern Australia coastline. I got to Bondi and texted Chappo. T: I'm here. Just outside the tower. I only had to wait about 30 seconds before Chappo came bursting out of the tower. "TORI!!" " Hello to you too Chap. I think everyone on the beach now knows my name." "C'mon, I want to introduce my American bestie to the boys." "Ok.  Calm down a bit first.  You're friends are going too think you're crazy." "They already know that!" He said as we walked into the tower. "Boys, this is my new best friend Tori. Tori, these are the boys.  Hoppo, Mr. Boss man. Mouse, aka the black cloud. Shorty over there is Ben. Tattoos over there is Jake. The man who looks better than most women is Harries, and you've already met Maxi. You'll meet Deano and Quiggers later, they're down watching Backpacker's Rip." "Hi guys, it's nice to meet you. Like this weirdo said, I'm Tori." "Well it was nice meeting you but we should get back to work. Chappo you're on lunch right?" Hoppo asked. "Yep, I'm gonna show Tori our beautiful office." With that Chappo dragged me out of the tower and on to the sand.
I have to say, pictures do not do Bondi justice. This place is incredible! Chap and I sat in the sand and talked for almost his entire lunch break. "Chappo can you grab the guy who's going under in front of you?" Mouse asked over the radio. "Got it." He stripped off his shirt, grabbed the rescue board we were sitting by, and raced into the water. It hit me while I was watching Chappo rescue the swimmer these guys save lives everyday! I just sat there in awe.
Chappo and I talked for a little more after his rescue before I decided it was time for me to go home and rest before work tomorrow.

Next day

I swear these dogs alternate days with who wakes me up. This morning it was Bucky's turn. I got up and got ready for the day. Once I was ready I texted Harrison. T: Hey H. I have one lesson and then some training with a client horse, but I can swing by Bronte when I'm off. He replied fairly quickly. H: Good morning to you too Tori. Come on by when you can. I knock off at 3 today, but I can wait till you get here.
T: Great, I should be there by 3. See you soon. H: Bye love ;)
That message made my heart flutter a bit. I looked at the clock and rushed to work. If I didn't leave now I would be late for my lesson. I got down the BTC and went to tack up Prince, my horse for the day. The lesson went fairly quick, mainly because I was so excited to go meet up with Harrison. Once the lesson was over I ran home to change into something a little more beach appropriate. Boots and jeans are great, but not when you plan on walking in wet sand. After I was ready, I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 3. H: Hey Tori. I knock off in a few minutes. You on your way to Bronte? T: Yep! I'm walking down the road now, I'll be there in about 5 minutes.
I got to the beach just as Harrison was walking out of the tower. "Hey Harrison!" "Hey Tori, how's your day been?" "Great, I had a cow horse lesson and then did a little training of some client horses." He looked a little confused after I said that. "Cow horse? What does that mean?" "A cow horse, works with cows. I did a lesson on cutting a cow from a herd." "Ok, I guess that makes sense." "You'll just have to come down to BTC and see a lesson." "I guess I will." He smiled at me. "So, how was the beach today?" I asked him. "It was fairly quiet. I only had a couple rescues today. It is almost winter though, so it's mostly locals around here now." "Sounds like a nice day." "I guess, but it just got a whole lot better." With that comment my face became as red as a firetruck. "Well what should we do?" He asked. "I don't know. I've only been here for a few days! You know the fun places around here." He started to laugh at my comment. "Ok, well I'm starving. Wanna go grab some food?" "Sounds great!"
We decided that burgers sounded great so we found a small restaurant near the beach. "Do you want to grab these to go and eat on the beach?" He asked before we ordered. "Sure." We ordered our food and before I could even reach for my wallet, Harrison had already paid. "I can pay for my own." "I know but I asked you too come down here, so I figured I should pay." "Ok, just don't get used to doing this. I really don't like when others pay for me."
We grabbed our food and went down to the sand. "So, tell me a bit about yourself." I then realized that Harrison and I are still complete strangers. "Well I moved down here from America, Montana to be specific. I grew up on a horse ranch and spent my entire childhood riding and training quarter horses. My dad is a renowned trainer and has produced many champion horses. My brother is still in high school but is graduating next year. I moved here for school, but came early to get adjusted and also get my horse here and out of quarantine before I have to start school. My horse's name is Marvel and I raised and trained him myself. I also have 2 dogs, Cap and Bucky, but you've already met those weirdos...and that's about it. Good enough?" "Yea, wow horse training. That's different. Why did you choose to come all the way to Oz?" "Yea I guess it is a bit different around here. I have always dreamed of visiting Australia and this graduate school program gave me the opportunity." "Awesome." "Ok, enough about me. Tell me a bit about you." "Well, as you know my name is Harrison. The boys nicknamed me Lionel Hutts because I apparently look like the Simpsons character. I'm 23 years old and I'm from Christchurch, New Zealand. This is my 5th season as a lifeguard. I love to surf and I like to think I have a great sense of humor." "I've always wanted to learn how to surf. I'll teach you how to ride a horse if you teach me to surf." "You have yourself a deal." He agreed while laughing a bit.
We sat on the sand until it started to get dark. We were watching the sunset when I felt Harrison wrap his arm around my shoulder. This may be moving fast, but I don't care. This is the most comfortable I have felt with a guy in years. When it was dark, I looked up at Harrison and said "I should probably get going. I need to let Cap and Bucky out." He seemed a little dazed, but snapped out of it once I started talking. "Huh, sure. Can I walk you home?" "Of course."
It was just a little past 8 when we walked up my driveway. "Its still early, do you want to come in for a bit?" I asked him hoping that he would say yes. "Sure, I'd love to." "Fair warning, as soon as we go in you will probably be tackled." He chuckled a bit a said "I think I can handle it."
I opened the door and immediately we were knocked back by the happy energy of my dogs. "Hey boys! I'm happy to see you too. Bucky! Don't jump on Harrison!" "He's fine Tori."
I finally calmed them down enough to put them outside. "What should we do?" Harrison asked. "Movie?" "Sounds great." "Cool, I have some in the cabinet. I'll go grab some popcorn and let the dogs in." "How does Captain America sound?" I started to laugh at that. "Fantastic, that's my favorite movie. It's also how my friendship with Chappo started."
I grabbed a bowl of popcorn and let the dogs in. They ran straight to Harrison and jumped up on the couch with him. "Ok boys, off the couch." "They're fine, c'mon I haven't seen this before." "What?? Oh my gosh, alright I'll shut up. Be prepared for a great movie." He just laughed and again wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Cliche I know, but I enjoyed it. This has definitely been one of the greatest days I have had in a while.

Big Sky to Big Surf - A Bondi Rescue StoryWhere stories live. Discover now