Inkigayo Concert

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"Park Daia, for the last time, YOU ARE PREFORMING!!!"

Manager Kim shouted, his large frame towering over. He wasn't much taller than Daia, but his large size was intimating to her. He had dragged her out of the dressing room and down the hall to an empty stairwell, after she had spoken up about not feeling well. He had gone on for a while with a speech about how much money had been spent on her to train her for the group, and to pay for their performance today at the Inkigayo concert, a program that featured an array of artists each week.

When she didn't respond, Kim grabbed her left wrist tightly and brought it up to her face, to display his strength and power over her.

"Daia..." he forced out, staring her in the eyes, she quickly broke the connection and looked down, wincing from the pressure of his grip.

"Okay, just...just...stop it" she stuttered, as she vainly pulled at his fingers that were slowing digging into her skin. Tears were beginning to surface in her eyes, as she felt all of her fears rise up. Trying to hold it in, she scrunched up her face and took a deep breath.

"I'll do it, alright, just let go."

At her words, he relaxed his grip on her, but didn't let go.

"Good, and I will hear no more from you about being sick, you understand?" He sneered through gritted teeth.

"I understand."

At her weak reply, he threw her hand down and left, headed to the dressing room to yell at the other girls to get ready quicker. Now alone in the stairwell, Daia rubbed her red wrist, wincing at the deep red cuts his nails had left.

Slowly, she slid down the wall, squatting with her knees pulled up against her. She knew she needed to head back to the dressing room, but she needed a little time to convince herself that she could do it. Earlier, she had felt weak, as she hadn't eaten in a while, and now she felt so tired she could cry.

Her body was so exhausted from their busy schedule she wondered if she would be able to even preform. But, Manager Kim didn't care about that, as long as she could still walk, she could perform. Singing could be faked with lip-sync, and dancing could be fixed with energy drinks.

The exhaustion she felt began to escape in tears, that slightly rolled down her face. And her throat began to tighten up as she held back the urge to moan out her pain.

Just then a soft voice spoke above, and she felt a warm hand placed on her back.

"You okay?"

It was Rosa, she must have noticed Daia's absence when Manager Kim returned. Sitting down next to Daia, she placed her arm around her tight shoulders.

"Did he hurt you again?" Rosa said as she fussed over the silently crying girl, finger combing Daia's brown hair back into place.

"Not physically" Daia muttered, pushing away Rosa's hand, and wiping away the tear drops on her face. "I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me, I can tell you are hurting" Rosa responded, giving Daia a playful shove with her other hand.

"Don't worry about it Rosa, all we need to worry about is doing our best on the stage today."

Daia said with a bit courage. She didn't want Rosa to know that she was sick and exhausted. Their leader had enough to worry about as it was.

"Alright" Rosa sighed, frowning. "but you can't keep it all inside, you can always talk to me. And remember you are strong, you are smart, and you are important!"

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