Chapter four

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After that night at the pub I started seing a lot more of Harry. He started to come in to town more often.

The Rowain castle was even more deserted from town than my house was, You had to drive on a small and difficult road to get there, and with the weather we have here the roads usually gets muddy and are almost impossible to drive on and the road leading to the Rowain castle was the worst. The Smith family all have big fancy cars though, all they need to worry about is getting the rim muddy. The same road that goes to the castle leads to the cemetary, and the cemetary got it's bad rumour because of the bad roads. People that try to drive there often get stuck with their car just outside the cemetary. I guess people thinks that it's some kind of a ghost thing but it's actually just a hill that is hard to get past. I do think the cemetary is scary, but only because no one is there to look after it, it's missmanaged and looks like something out of a scary movie. But they keep the church going and every sunday the town gathers there to share their mutual interest in god. I don't believe that there is a god and I don't like that church. One sunny sunday changed that, the way i feel about the church i mean, not God.

I had never seen him there before, Harry I mean. I had never seen him go to the church before. His whole family kept to their castle and was barely in town, people talked about that a lot. But what really disturbed people was that they didn't go to church. Everyone in this town are strong believers in god. I don't ever admit to not believeing there isn't a god. But this one sunday Harry came to church. He walked in to the church a little late, making everybody turn to the door as he walked in, and then leaving whispers going through the room. He apologized for being late and sat down in the back next to old Mrs. Simmons. Everyone went back to listening to the pastor but I couldn't help but look back at him. Discrete of course. Harry intrested me, he wasn't like anyone I had ever met before. There was a mystery about him that made me want to know more, like the scar he had on his right cheek stretching down his throat. I hadn't seen that first, but in the bright church I could see him much clearer. After a while he looked back at me. I quickly turned my head away but I could feel that he didn't, I felt me cheeks going red, but I had to check if he was really looking at me. And he was, he looked back at me smirking. I could se his eyes much clearer now, I had thought that they we're a dark blue, but they were blue as the sky. 

This particular sunday my dad had buisness to do in a nearby town, well as nearby as you could get. A three hour drive that is. So he left after church, he offered me a ride first but I tought it was a pretty day so I felt like taking a walk. While walking I thought about love. I'm a teenage girl I guess I do that a lot, I had never been in love with any one. I'd had a boyfriend when I was thirteen. We we're together for a month and he was my first kiss, but that was just a crush. This time I thought about Harry. I can't say I even had a crush on him. I didn't know him. I just knew he looked good, and that he in some way intrested me deeply. I realized that it's probably because of stories and books. He could easily have fit in the books I read. That's why I'm so intresten in him, I thought to myself. 

To walk home I have to walk through town, just as I got in to town it started raining. I usually hate living in one of the rainiest countries in the world. But right at that moment I loved it. 

It had just started pouring down when Harry stopped his car next to me and opened the passenger door.

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