The start

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hello, my name is Levi and this is the story of my life. 

Chapter One.

I was born of a stormy day in november sixteen years ago, in a small town not even placed on the map. My mother died giving birth to me, like I said it's a small town with very restricted resourses, medical care included. It was tough for my dad. My parents got married very young, my grandfather didn't like my dad and that's how they ended up here, in the most deserted place you can think of, I was supposed to be the first child they had together, and not last. My dad always tells me how they had plans on moving to a bigger house and concieving more kids. But my mom's deathkind of put an abrubt end to that dream. Instead my dad moved into a small house far away from town and quit his job so he could take care of me. But eventually he ran out of money and had to find a way to make money to take care of me. He got a job working in the local store, it was a job where you earn little money, but he was young and had dropped out of high school when he found out he was going to become a dad so he didn't have an education, but the local store was owned by a nice man and he felt bad for my dad so he gave him the job. My mom's death almost killed my dad, she was the love of his life and he never wanted to live without her he said, but when he looked at me he knew he couldn't leave me and therefore he "fought the pain" as he calls it. 

Hudson town, the town where I've lived all of my life, is small as hell. You can even count all the people living here using your hand, using the same fingers a couple of times I mean then. There is one school with 50 students in all ages, there is one store to buy all neccesary things, a small hospital and a local pub. I hate it here, but my dad has never wanted to leave, my mother is buried here and he always wants to be close to her. I can't blame him, i mean I've been in love. Maybe not as deeply as him, but no matter how little you love some one, losing them makes your whole world crumble. At least that's what happened to me.

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