Chapter Two

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A tiny blur of green and yellow buzzed above the forest floor, stopping every few seconds to collect something and put it and in the mouse powered wagon behind her. 'Oh, Tinkerbell, old girl, just think of the endless helpful inventions these lost things can make.'  Tinkerbell's face than lit up at something red, and dove to investigate. Upon closer inspection, she saw it was a gorgeous red feather. "Oh, I can most definitely use this. What do you think, Cheese?" The said mouse suddenly started squeaking nervously before thrashing around. "Cheese, settle down! what's wrong?!" Suddenly the mouse turned and sped off, snapping the harness attaching the wagon to his back, and smacking Tink away as he bolted off. Tink cried out as she went flying backwards, her back hitting an object. She rubbed her head, groaning in pain. Then she felt a steady, repeative pounding behind her, being able to also hear it, instantly recognizing it as a steady heartbeat. She also felt something press against her back and moving back, doing that repeatively as well, that was something breathing. What did she collide with? Trembling, she looked behind her to see a body. A giant body. She scrambled back in fright,flying behind a large rock. Her heart hammered in her chest, before she slowly took another look at the body. The body was a human child, a boy possibly twelve to fourteen years old. Her brain was telling her to get out of there, but her heart and her curiosity was telling her to take a closer look. The boy's red hair was not too long, but not too short either, the bangs hanging in front of his face. His clothes were torn,rugged and soaked with what she knew was sea water. His shoes were gone, exposing his bare feet. The boy groaned in his sleep ,subconsciously shivering and teeth chattering. Tink raised a hand and touched the boy's cheeks. He was freezing! She started gathering as many leaves as she could carry, placing them on the boy until he was pretty much covered in a leafy blanket. A soft smile found it's way onto Tinkerbell's face upon seeing the one on the boy's face. "I'll be back to check on you, little boy. You just stay right here." Tink whispered before she started hauling her wagon back to Pixie Hollow

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