Chapter Six

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Tinkerbell spent almost all night gathering the fabric materials she needed, but now she needed to design them. She also had to hide her sketches from her friends. She hated not telling them, but she couldn't have something terrible happen to Peter because of her. Once everyone turned in for the night was when Tink started to piece the fabrics together. In two nights she had a shirt done, in four nights, she had the pants completed. By the nine or tenth night she was fully done. Over the few days, her wings had healed completely, so getting the clothes to Peter was a smidge easier... Peter groaned when someone poked him. "Mmm...Ten more minutes..." Suddenly feeling something drop on his face, he shot up, wide awake. He saw Tinkerbell hovering in the air, smiling warmly, then looked at the green fabrics she dropped on his head. "Wow... For a little fairy, you can do big things..." Tinkerbell waited as Peter ducked behind a tree and tossed his old clothes off. She looked through the lost things she had in the wagon, when a throat being cleared made her turn around. Peter adjusted the belt around his waist as he stepped out into the sunlight. He wore a bright green, 'V'-necked, collared shirt with the sleeves over his shoulders, dark green pants, and tan brown shoes on his feet, and to top it off a dark green cap on top of his head of red hair. Despite his size, Peter looked rather...fairy like. " do I look?" "You look just like a fairy, but something's missing..." Tinkerbell then snapped her fingers and quickly pulled out the red feather she found and stuck it in his hat. "There. Perfect." Peter leaned over the creek and gazed at his reflection, and grinned from ear to ear. "So, Tinkerbell, what's is this place?" "Neverland, cause time never seems to pass here... Anyway, we should try finding a way to get you home, I'm sure your parents are worried sick looking for you." Peter happy demeanor changed in a heartbeat, he sat down against a tree and pulled his knees to his chest, arms wrapping around his legs as he rested his cheek on his knees. Tink could see he was trying to fight the urge to cry. "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't realize your an-" "An orphan? It's alright, Tinkerbell, you couldn't have known." "Hey, you know, you can stay here? I'm sure we'll figure something out about a home for you." Peter smiled weakly and stood back up. "Well if I'm staying here, I might as well know my surroundings." "Well, come on then, I'll show you around." Tink pulled on his finger gently, gesturing for him to follow her. Peter chuckled and let her lead him where ever she was going.

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