Part 13

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Sorry for the late update... Please enjoy. 

p.s I'm so happy that in the show... Jake and Amy are getting married. 

"Hey, you know me and you know that I don't have the capability to face anything this serious. I make a joke of things and hope that it is enough. But then a lot of times I make it worse," whispered Jake to Amy. 

"I know, but what m I suppose to do with that. Remember we are no longer together. You are free to do what you want," said Amy. 

"Well thats the thing. What happened between us. I thought we were good. You were the only one that could handle my overage childish behaviour."

"Maybe I'm over it. Maybe I want to be with someone who doesn't behave like a child. I still want to be friends but I can't always be the one that has to pretend that I'm ok with it all."

"Is that how you feel? Then why wouldn't you tell me this. I really would have done something to change. I have always been serious about us and it was hard for me to seriously admit that you were the one that I loved," started Jake. 

"Well thats the thing, Jake. You found it hard to admit that you loved me and yet when it came to Sophia, it wasn't a hard decision was it?" 

Jake stopped and looked up at Amy. She was still trying to look away but he Jake knew her too well and he knew that she was holding something back... but what.

"Amy, that was the past and I have moved past her. I did so much to make sure that your father liked me and thought that I was worth you."

"I know and that is what makes this even harder. I love you and I want you to be happy. Honestly though, we are so different and who were we kidding. Do you think we would have survived much longer. Im a neat, OCD and what other things that is wrong with me and you... well I'll be nice and let you fill in the blanks." 

"WOW, this conversation so quickly went south. I don't know if I should be offended or not," said Jake confused. 

"What I'm saying is that our relationship was soon to be doomed. I don't want to be the reason that a few years or even months down the track become a heap of regrets. Someone who changed you or made you unhappy," said Amy. 

Jake wanted to protest this when she finally looked up him and smiled. She slowly shook her head which indicated that she was done talking about this. 

"I think we should just start to focus on our work and try and move past this whole thing. I mean we did agree that if we ever did break up, we weren't going to let that effect our work."

"I don't get this all but fine. Don't think that Im done talking about this all."

Amy didn't understand why this was so hard for him to grasp. She finally made this all easy for him and gave him a clear chance of being with Sophia. 

"Dude, you really messed up. I'm your best friend and I never particularly like her till I got to know her. But why did you have to be a dushbag and make this all a mess," said Rosa sarcastically.

"Does everyone know what happened in my relationship... then me," Jake said in frustration. 

" Well when you made a mistake and you are so full of yourself then everyone sees the error but you yourself."

"Oh My God, just tell me what happened?"

Rosa didn't even get to say anything when the door opened and Sophia walked in. She was holding a folder gave a smile at Jake and quickly made her way towards him. 

"Hey Jake, I heard that now even you are involved in this case," she said and then nodded to acknowledge Rosa. 

"Oh wow, news travels fast doesn't it," mocked Rosa and walked away. 

"Did I miss something. I thought Rosa and I parted on good terms. I know that we are on the same case and she is trying to get my client to behind bars while I'm against that but that doesn't mean we can't be friends... we were friends before."

"Things change and I really need to talk to you about something. Not here," said Jake as he started to drag Sophia away from the others. 

"Sophia, so nice for you to join in... while we are about to discuss about your client. I hope that you won't be spying on us," joked Amy but it was clear it was awkward. 

"Hey, I'm only here to give you this. This is a file of names of Philips employees. The judge told me to hand it over so thats all I'm doing."

"Amy, just take the folder and walk away," whispered Terry. 

Amy looked around as if being snapped out of a trance. She hadn't realised that she was staring at Sophia and Jake. Shaking her head she forced a smile and took the folder. 

Jake looked from Sophia and Amy and his mind started to turn. Had this anything to do with Sophia showing up? Was Amy suddenly insecure with their relationship because of Sophia? Had Sophia said something to Amy? But he had not told either one about the other... 

This was going to be awkward... 

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