Part 14

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Jake waited for Amy to take the folder and leave. He didn't want to say anything in front of her to make matters worse. At this, Amy felt even worse as she couldn't believe that Jake had changed so much that he wouldn't even address to her that Sophia and he had gotten together again. 

"I guess Rosa and I will get back to the case and leave you two alone. And Sophia, I will get Philip for what he has done wrong," snapped Amy as she walked away. 

"What was all that about. I get that she is not happy about the case but she wouldn't even look at you. Are you guys fighting about something?" asked Sophia. 

"Actually yes. There is something between us that is well not right and I would like to sort that out. But before that can be done I need to speak to you," answered Jake.

"Ok, I only have a couple of minutes before I have to go to a meeting and I think I can get some time out for us," smiled Sophia. 

She placed her hands around his neck and pulled him closer. She slowly closed the distance between them and kissed Jake right there and then. Jake tried to pull away but was lost in the moment. He went back right to that moment when he was confused as to what he wanted. He was once again in that moment where he wasn't sure if he wanted to give Sophia a chance or get Amy back. 

The moment passed as he heard someone clear their throat. Looking away he saw Boyal, Rosa and Amy starring. 

"Nooo... wait... aaahhh," Jake groaned. He kept messing things up and he didn't see any way improve this situation. 

He watched as Amy walked out without saying anything. He turned to say something to Sophia who too waved and left. 

"Jake, you are making this all worse. I think of us as best friends and i would like to give you this advice... You better sort things out with Amy. Like I said before, Sophia isn't the one for you," said Boyle. 

"Dude, you really made a mess here. I would like to see you work it out with Amy over Sophia any day.... now don't anyone of you say that to Amy or I'll kill you," threatened Rosa.

Jake ignored what they were saying and ran for after Amy. He really didn't want her to get the wrong idea. But then again what was the the wrong and right idea anymore. 


Amy, in the evidence room stomped around. She couldn't believe her eyes. Was it really what she had seen? Wait why did she even care about what Jake did. He was free to do what he wanted and to be with who he wanted to be with. 

Letting out a deep breath, Amy started to flick through the documents. She had to focus on her work in order to keep he mind off Sophia and Jake... Or the image of them kissing. 

"Amy? Oh you're here. I have been looking for you. We really need to talk," said Jake out of breath. 

"There isn't really anything that we need to talk about. We broke up and we don't owe each other any explanation as to what we want to do in our personal lives. We always knew that if we ever did break up, we would have to still be co-workers," said Amy. 

She was about to leave when Jake came in her way and blocked her from leaving. "Why wouldn't you just stay at on place and just talk? Why is it that you would rather aviod me than actually talk about what went wrong betwee  us?" 

Amy stayed where she was but turned away so Jake was facing her back. She couldn't bring herself to look at him and stay strong. 

"One moment everything  was perfect ... We were in love and then the next, you just broke up with me and I don't even get a proper explanation to why?" 

"I already told you. We are too different and come on how long did you really see us being together before some thing would come between us and we would fight and then break up. I just did it now before it became too serious."

"That is not a good enough answer. I'm standing here, in front of the woman I thought I loved and thought loved me back. wanting nothing but to be loved."

"That another thing. You take everything like a joke. You act like a kid and I'm always left making compromises in this relationship," snapped Amy. "I thought I could get over it or you would grow out of it but I can't keep going on like that."

"Amy I don't know why you won't tell me the truth. You can't even look at me when you are talking. I know that is when you are lying. I won't push you any more but I will not stop trying to figure out what the real reason is. Plus I know I don't owe you any explanation, but I didn't kiss Sophia. She kissed me outside," said Jake. 

"Yeah well it didn't seem like you didn't enjoy it. If you really like Sophia, I won't be mad if you got with her this early. It won't bother me to see you two together," said Amy. 

She pushed her way through Jake and left him alone in there. What just happen? This day was getting more and more confusing and weird.

He had to figure out what the real reason was for Amy breaking up with him and also decide how to tell Sophia the truth about Amy and him. But where was he to start? 

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