Chapter 4

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Mondays are always hectic but for Ruby this Monday was almost like Sunday. She had a luxurious breakfast with heavenly chocolate cake and a huge cup of cappuccino. She took her time to get dressed and choose the right shade of lipstick to go with her burgundy business suit. Today she even straightened her hair, which was a rare event in Ruby's life. 

It was not a regular Monday. Today Mikael Said was coming to get admission for her nephew in Gold Field School. On their first meeting at her cousin's wedding, they talked until the party started and the groom sent a message for Mikael to come and dance. When she told him she was the one running Gold field School Mikael couldn't believe it and they ended up sharing their phone numbers because Mikael's sister was desperate to get her son in Gold Field. 

She heard a knock on her office door.

"Come in" She said while looking at the laptop screen in front of her. 

"Hello Ma'am" Her Vice principle greeted her with smile.

"Hello Miss Kiran. Please take a seat" She pointed towards light green sofa beside the window and got up from her chair and went there to sit with her on the sofa opposite her with a small coffee table between them.

"Ma'am it appears you had a busy weekend. I called you twice you didn't answer me" Kiran filled a tall glass of water and placed the water jug on the table with a low thud. "I wanted to talk about something" 

"Oh! I completely forgot yaar. Sorry" She grinned "Tell me now what you want to talk about."

Kiran was Ruby's childhood friend and she was the first teacher of Gold field. They both shared everything from class notes to a career dream. Ruby had financial resources and family support to turn her dream into a reality, which Kiran lacked. But Ruby did not forget her dear friend and offered her the job, because she trusted her and knew that only Kiran can help her make Gold field what they both wanted it to be. 

"Do you even remember you have to renew the contract with the stationary guy?" Kiran raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Oh shoot" Ruby jumped up from her seat towards her office table "I am not extending the contract Kiran. I am looking for a new stationary shop and I have already found it but I still have to visit the shop and meet the owner. I totally forgot" She was now looking for the visiting card of the shop in her bag. 

"Wow. wow. I was unaware of it. why do you want a new man?" Kiran looked at her with puzzled eyes.

"Because he is not doing his job. I have given him ample chances but he is still not improving his behavior and his rates."

 "Ahan. Okay i guess you have already decided and I dont have any say in it" Kiran said flatly " And the other thing was about your office decor and library"

"Okay. I guess this week will be a busy one" Ruby said with a smile on her lips. She loved her job and never got tired of all the work she had to do.

"Yes" Kiran smiled.

"What's wrong Kiran?" Ruby asked her friend. She looked a bit upset and tired today.

"Nothing new. I am out of money and there is a birthday party at my sister in law's house, we are invited and I have to get a gift for her. Same as always" Kiran was not scratching the coffee table in front of her. She was avoiding to look at Ruby.

"That;s not a problem Kiran. You know I am always here for you." Ruby's tensed shoulders were now relaxed. She was expecting a real problem but this was not a problem to worry about in her eyes. 

"I dont want your money Ruby" Kiran stood up from her sofa.

"Okay. Lets go shopping and you can buy a gift for your sister in law." Ruby stepped closer to her friend and held her from her shouldrs. " We are sisters Kiran. My money is your money."

"I am tired of asking extra money from you. You have already offered me a job despite having many better candidates. You have already done so much for me Ruby." Kiran's eyes were brimming with tears. 

"Shh.. Dont say this ever again" She hugged her and kissed her hair. "You are my sister. Everything I have is yours." Ruby felt her eyes filled with tears.

"I love you" Kiran hugged her back. 

"I love you too" Ruby replied and gave her another kiss on her cheek.

After giving her friend money enough to buy a gold set she hugged her again to make sure she was now happy.

"I will go to visit the stationary shop around 12. Make sure you look after my office." Ruby said to Kiran before she left her office.

"Okay boss" Kiran laughed and blew her a kiss. 




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