chp. 46

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*4 days later*

Megan's pov:

I walked into my classroom, propping open the door. I got a text message early this morning from Michelle asking if Joe and I would go to her ultrasound to find out the gender in 4 weeks. I texted her, letting her know that we could and to let me know all of the information.

Katie's pov:

I sat at my doctor's appointment, waiting to go see my family doctor.

*4 weeks later*

Michelle's pov:

Cameron and I pulled into the parking lot of our family doctor, waiting for Megan and Joe. After they pulled in, we all got out of our cars, walking into the doctor's office. I checked into my appointment, and we all waited for the doctor to call me back.

*in room*

"I see you have brought 2 more people with you this time," the doctor said, putting the jelly onto my stomach.

"They are going to be the babies godparents," I said, shivering because the jelly was cold.

She moved the thing around my stomach, finding the baby.

"Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Grey, it looks like your having a baby girl," the doctor said, going to get our picture of the ultrasound.

Cameron started tearing up because we both knew that we wanted a little girl.

*3 days later*

Cameron's pov:

Today, I was taking Michelle out with me, so that we could buy stuff for the babies room. The other night we had talked about names, and we decided on Alice Grace. We first went to the craft store, so that we could make some decorations for her room. We then went to Pottery Barn, looking at cribs, dressers, and other things that we would need for the baby. After finding the things we wanted to get, we bought each thing, taking it out to the car. I put it into the trunk, while Michelle got into the passenger seat, since the doctor told her not to lift anything over 15 pounds.

We drove over to Home Depot so that we could look at paint samples to figure out which color we wanted the nursery to be. We looked through many shades of pink before deciding on a baby pink called ballet slipper. We got three cans of paint to make sure we had enough for the entire room.

Megan's pov:

Joe was currently at home, while I was at work. I put my 5th periods work into a folder, putting it into my bag for me to grade when I got home.

Michelle's pov:

After getting home, Cameron and I took the paint upstairs, so I ould start painting the nursery while he went to work. I went to my closet, putting on my tie-dye shirt and a pair of gym shorts. I walked back into the room that we were turning into the nursery, opening up the first paint can, pouring a little into the paint tray.

I sat down on the floor, starting to paint around the trim. After a while of painting around the trim, I got up, putting the roller together, dipping the roller into the paint. I rolled as high as my arm reached without standing on my tippy toes. I was leaving the part that I couldn't reach and the ceiling for Cameron when he got back. While waiting for the first coat to dry, I went downstairs so that I could start working on room decor for the nursery.

Cameron's pov:

When I got home from work, I changed into one of my old shirts so that I could finish painting the babies nursery for my wife. I went into the nursery where all but at least a foot and the ceiling were painted. I reopened the can of paint that Michelle was using last to finish up the walls and the ceiling. 

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