"I'll see you tomorrow mate."

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~(Picture of Skylar)

Cross my heart and hope to die.

Burn my lungs and curse my eyes.

I've lost control and I don't want it back.

            I closed my eyes and listened to the magical sound of Brendon Urie's singing. His song Nicotine was one of those songs that made you just want to sing along, what am I saying? All his songs are like that! I sighed in content while floating in my pool. Today was the first day of summer. I was finally free of all those annoying bitches and bastards at my school. I had my music cranked up and playing through some speakers I had found.

            "Hey Aunt Skylar?" I heard a small voice say. I opened one eye and saw my adorable niece standing at the edge of the pool.

            "Yes Sarah? Speak louder honey bunch." I told her, only slightly annoyed that she was interrupting my alone time. The problem with Sarah was that she was a quiet child. She whispered most of the time and it took effort to make her speak up.

            "Mommy wants to speak to you..." She whispered loudly. I nodded and swam to the end of the pool.

            "Sarah, tell your mommy if she wants to speak with me I'll be here. Okay sweetie?" she nodded. "Love you Sarah!" I said as she walked away. She muttered a 'love you auntie' back but I barely heard it.

            A few minutes later my beloved sister stepped out of the house. "Oh Justice! You look beautiful. Did you get another tummy tuck?" I sarcastically greeted her. Her response was a glare. "What do you want? I was having my alone time."

            "Look brat. Mom called. She is going to be away for a month and I have to watch you." I gave her a look of 'are you serious?' "She is coming home to pack then, haste la vista, she is gone until next month. So lose the attitude or I will kill you." She huffed. "How are you even my sister? You are so rude!" She said as she started walking inside.

            I had to hold back my comment about her figure looking chubby, she would of freaked and raced to the gym for a straight week. I grabbed my phone and called up Kyle. "Hey my sexy best friend? What do I owe the pleasure of this call?" His Australian accent echoed into my ear.

            "Hey my amazingly hot Australian best friend. When do you get back?" He has been in Australia for about a year now. I missed him so much.

            "Actually I'm packing right now. We leave in about twenty minutes. I'll be at your house within twenty-four hours hopefully. I don't want you at the airport, I want to come home and do that whole 'honey I'm home' thing." I laughed. This is why he was my best friend. My home was basically his in every shape and way; he had his own room here.

            "Good. Mom is leaving today and I'm stuck with Justice for a whole month." He let out a gasp of horror. He knew my relationship with my sister wasn't all rainbows and sunshine.

            "I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow mate." He said, making his accent really stand out.

            "Bye Kyle. I can't wait to see you again." I said as we both hung up the phone. I set the phone on the side of the pool and swam to the middle of it. I heard the door to the house open up. Justice walked out and put her feet in the pool. I got out and grabbed my towel.

            "Can you wear something any more slutty little sister?" She sneered. I looked down; I was in a two-piece bathing suit that was lavender and very frilly. It didn't look at all slutty in my opinion. I decided to not respond and walked inside.

            Sarah ran past me in a bathing suit. Oh so Justice decided to have 'mother-daughter bonding time' right now. Good for her. I hopped into the shower to get the chlorine off me.

            After I got out and blow-dried my hair I saw a notification on my phone. Can't wait to get home and see my best friend. ~Sexiest Australian Alive I smiled and replied I can't wait to see my best friend either. ~Sexiest American Alive

I grinned and called up Jackie. She was my other best friend that didn't leave for a year. "Jackie, get to my house. Kyle is going to be home soon. Also my sister is my 'babysitter' for the next month and I will kill someone if I am stuck with her for too long." I didn't even bother letting her speak. She gave a chirpy 'okay on my way' and then hung up. I set the phone down and threw on some shorts and a black tank top. Jackie only lived about two minutes from my house so she would be here momentarily.

As I waited I texted Kyle, how long is the plane ride supposed to be? He responded 19 hours a second later. I looked at the time and noticed it was five o'clock. That means he will be home at like nine in the morning. Then it takes about an hour to get from the airport home, so around ten he will be home.

My time planning was interrupted by a shrill scream. "I'm here Sky!" That must be Jackie; no one could let out a 'party' scream like her. She walked into my room like she hadn't just screamed her lungs out. She was wearing a light pink sundress that made her look so innocent. Her hair was a lavender color; she must have dyed it last night since when I saw her yesterday it was blonde.

"Hair looks nice, very sweet, innocent looking color." I smirked. She stuck her tongue out and plopped on my bed. She dropped her bag next to the bed. "Spending the night I hope?" I said in a hopeful voice. She nodded and I patted her arm.

"When is Kyle getting here? I miss that son of a-" I slapped a hand over her mouth. Sarah had walked in and she repeated almost everything she heard.

"Skylar? Mommy wants to talk to you again." She said quietly. I nodded and walked with her down the stairs into the kitchen where Justice was making a sandwich.

"What now oh sister dear?" I asked annoyed that she is getting onto me yet again.

"Why is Jackie here? I didn't say you were allowed to have guests." I felt my mouth drop. Is she trying to act like our mother?

"You aren't mom Justice. Stop okay. It is just Jackie. She is spending the night and tomorrow Kyle will be back and he will need a space to stay." Her eyes softened at the mention of Kyle. "Don't get that look, he doesn't need pity. So you better not get that look around him ever again." I snarled. "He is coming home to try and get over that, getting looks of pity and free passes isn't going to help. He will need a place to stay so even if you say 'no guests' he will be living here.

Jackie is staying the night because we want to see Kyle as soon as he gets here. Got it? Good. We are done here." I turned and walked out of the room. I took the stairs two steps at a time. Jackie had fallen asleep on my bed so I moved her over and closed my eyes. I might as well sleep since Jackie was a heavy sleeper and I was too lazy to wake her up. 

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