"Just Friends Huh? Okay."

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~(picture of Jackie)


I watched as this Blake guy sized me up. He was an average build, short guy that I could totally destroy within seconds if he decided to fight me. I wanted to anger him so I pulled Skylar against me, enjoying the possessiveness that clouded his eyes at my actions. She seemed more than comfortable being pressed against me anyways.

            Now I'm not going to say I'm in love with Skylar because that isn't accurate. I certainly like her more than a best friend should but I don't love her in a romantic way. "Blake, meet Kyle, my best friend. Kyle, this is Blake." Skylar awkwardly introduced us. I noticed she didn't introduce him as her 'boyfriend'. That little fact made me want to smile. He did that stupid head nod thing so I did it too. God this guy is such a tool. He didn't deserve Sky.

            I put a hand on Skylar's lower back. "I'm going to go get something to drink, can I get you anything?" I asked, being 'polite'. He shook his head and looked to Skylar. She gave a small head nod. She almost seemed thankful that I was leaving the room. "I know your favorite, Cherry Limeade soda." I boasted a little as I spoke I walked out of the room and got our drinks. After a few minutes I waited in the kitchen for the screaming.

            "You can't control me Blake! Kyle is my best friend and I am not going to just kick him out!" Skylar screamed. There it is, time for me to head back.

            "Well, I refuse to let a guy live with you!" Blake yelled at her. "I don't care if he's the prince of England! You are my girl and I refuse to let some other guy have you!" His constant 'you are my girl' is seriously getting on my nerves and I've only heard it twice. I walk in and hand her the drink. Blake glares at me but doesn't dare speak. He knows I could crush him in a fight; he wouldn't want to break his pretty face in an attempt to be 'macho'.

            "Blake, I hate to say it but we are over. I can't stand your over protectiveness and honestly, I don't love you." Skylar blurted out. I smiled at her when she looked at me; I was proud of her for telling him to get lost. Blake caught that and thought something else.

            "You cheated on me with this guy didn't you? I should of known! I mean when I met you, you were spreading your legs for every guy within a twenty-mile radius. Why did I think you'd ever change? I bet he isn't the first guy you've cheated on me with." He concluded. I growled at the accusation he was stating. Skylar seemed to be right there with me.

            "How dare you? I never cheated on you! Kyle has been in Australia for an entire year. You are the only person I ever really slept with Blake! All the others were lies the guys spread so they could feel 'proud' of themselves. Did you ever really listen to those guys? They all claimed I was a virgin!" She shrieked.

Even I had to let my shock show at her outburst. "Don't you think one of them would of left that part out if they weren't lying? Get out of my house and delete my number, we are through. Over. Done. Dead. Leave now." She screamed in annoyance. Blake just swallowed and looked at her. His eyes trailed over to me and I knew something was about to happen.

            "You put the idea in her head didn't you? So you could have her for yourself right?" He chuckled. I sighed and shook my head.

            "You are seriously mental dude. As she stated, I've been in Australia for a year." I laughed. "Honestly? I don't like her that way man. She's my best friend. That's it." Lies, all I said was lies. I would love to be with Skylar that way. As I said I do like her more than a friend.  I thought to myself. Internally I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Leave man, before I call the cops or something." I warned him. Fear flashed in his eyes before he did leave.

            I looked to Skylar. There was an ounce of hurt in her eyes. "Just a friend huh? Okay." She said blankly. I had hurt her feelings, damn it I didn't mean to do that. "Don't apologize. At least I know where we stand. I feel the same way don't worry." She said as she backed away and up the stairs. I didn't miss the tear forming in her eye.

            I sat on the couch. Fuck. I royally messed up just now. Any chances I had of ever getting with her are probably gone now. I got up and walked back outside. I looked at the pool.

I remembered back to the day I first saw her. We were at recess, she was sitting all alone, it was her first day at the school, and I decided to go sit with her. She seemed confused by my sudden appearance. "I'm Kyle, and you are?" I had greeted her but she looked away.

"Don't feel like you have to talk to me." She muttered. I was confused. I came over here on my own; I wanted to talk to her.

"I wanted to talk to you. A girl shouldn't be sitting here all alone. She needs a friend. So again, I'm Kyle. What's your name?" I asked her.

"Skylar Santos." She mumbled. I barely heard her but I managed to get her name. That was a start. 

"So Skylar, you want to come play with me?" I questioned. She gave me a look before nodding slowly. I got up and helped her up. "We are going to be good friends! I just know it!" I cheered while she rolled her eyes and walked beside me.

I was right because ten years later, she was still my best friend. We fought, laughed, pranked, and basically did everything friends are supposed to do. My mind wandered to the first school dance we went to. It was freshman year, Skylar had braces at the time and I constantly made fun of her.

"Skylar! Come on! We are going to be late to the dance!" I yelled waiting for her to come down the stairs. Her mom was doing her hair and everything even though it was just a homecoming dance.

I fixed my tie that my mother had forced me to wear. I didn't see the need to get all dressed up for an hour or two of dancing and fun. Why can't we wear what's comfortable? I'll never understand dances.

"I'm ready calm down!" She screamed. She walked carefully down the stairs and my jaw almost dropped. She looked stunning in her dress. It was a knee length dress that had black sparkles on her breasts and the rest was a light green color. It looked so great on her; her hair was up in some design I couldn't see yet.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs she did a little twirl and the dress spun out, revealing a white fabric around her legs. She walked over to me. "So how do I look?" She had questioned. I still remember how hard it was for my brain and mouth to form coherent words as fast as I could.

"You look beautiful." And she really did. I won't forget that night. She was so happy and I would constantly catch her looking at me. We laughed and danced all night that night.

I was then hit by another memory. "Kyle!" Skylar screamed. I looked around for her, relief flooding me when my eyes landed on her. "Come swing with me!" She yelled across the playground. I shook my head, but still found myself walking over to my best friend. She was laughing while twirling the swing around. It almost made me dizzy watching her.

"Calm down Sky, your going to throw up." I warned her. She just laughed at me and continued. About ten minutes later, I was proven right when she emptied her stomach into the trashcan in the park. "Told you so." I said as I held her hair for her. She grumbled at me and wiped her mouth.

"Ugh. Let's get home." She groaned. I chuckled and we walked home. I took care of her for about three hours after that until she fell asleep and I kissed her forehead and went home.

I think I might of lied to myself for the past ten years. I always thought I just liked her, when in reality, I think I might actually love her. And I just fucked it all up.

"Kyle?" I heard a small voice question.

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