Chapter 2 - Psychic Sharing.

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I woke up and looked at the note I wrote for Saiki.

' Dear Saiki,

I know your secret, I won't write down what it is in this letter in case someone else reads it, I would like you to meet me on the roof of the school at lunchtime. If you are inconvenienced by anyone, which is very highly unlikely unless it's Nendou, I will come and find you on your way home. If not found then, I will catch you tomorrow.

-Unknown Sender ' 

I thought that if this didn't catch his attention, he just didn't know what I was on about and was a lot like Kaido. 

~Saiki's POV~

I woke up and instantly hear an unusual voice in a thought, "I've just got to put this letter in Saiki's locker when I get to school and wait." It sounded like it was from next door, so I got dressed rapidly and grabbed a coffee jelly for my breakfast.I went to the window, still hearing the train of thought when it just vanished. How does a train of thought just vanish? and such a loud one too, I would have heard it on double the radius of the usual. I walked outside to go to school when someone came out of the house next door. It was (Y/N) as soon as they saw me, they panicked and looked like they focused on something very quickly. 

Just then, they ran back into their house. So, I waited... waited.... waited... and then there were 5 minutes till school, so I went to my room and teleported to the school roof, and ran down to my class. There I saw (Y/N) but, how did they get there without going through the front door to school? Wait, were those their thoughts in the morning? How could I read them then and not now?  Whatever, I bet there is a note in my locker, speaking of my locker, I didn't get to change my shoes better switch them with apport and get that letter out as well. I then changed my shoes and got a piece of paper which I had drawn a doodle on and apported (Y/N)'s letter to my desk. I opened it, it said: 

' Dear Saiki,

I know your secret, I won't write down what it is in this letter in case someone else reads it, I would like you to meet me on the roof of the school at lunchtime. If you are inconvenienced by anyone, which is very highly unlikely unless it's Nendou, I will come and find you on your way home. If not found then, I will catch you tomorrow.

-Unknown Sender '  

Well, since this morning, I can say it's highly likely that they are like me, on the other hand, it could just be a joke. So I'll go to the roof at lunch.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I listened to Saiki's thoughts, and I can indeed confirm that he is a Psychic. Before school, I went out to start my walk to school, but as soon as I got out I saw Saiki Walking past, I had to get to school quicker than him, so I went inside my house and teleported to the school roof. Straight after, I put my letter in his locker and went to my own locker next to Teruhashi's. 

Then she came in and started talking to me about well everything. But, in her mind, it was all ' Saiki this Saiki that' though, I could have a decent conversation without the telepathy. Then I got to class, but because I was there early, every person in the group I hung out with yesterday started to crowd my desk. 

I do have to admit though, I think it would be fun to hang with Kaido since he has a free mind, Nendou has this 'dumb' vibe, but in his mind, he is really smart and then Hairo is how do I put this without making him sound like one of those people who are constantly at the gym? energetic yes, that's the word, though you could say that he is hyper. Chiyo is obsessed with Kaido as Teruhashi is with Saiki and Mera is highly obsessed with food. 

Anyway, Saiki got to class later than expected due to the fact that he was walking about the same time as me, he should have had 40 minutes to get here. So even if he was that far away it should have taken only 20 minutes. He was also in his outside shoes and had a piece of paper that wasn't my note, but a doodle. Then, he apported his shoes with his inside ones and the doodle for my note. This didn't only prove to me that he could use powers, but also proved that his powers weren't at full potential. For example, he had to wait for 5 minutes before apporting the letter and doodle, whereas I can do it instantly and at the same time. Anyway, in his thoughts he said that he was going to go to the roof so, I assume he is taking me seriously, which is good. Maybe, I can learn him his full potential powers. 

~Skip to break~

I went to the hall, to get myself a snack, when I bumped into Saiki's back in the line, "I'm so sorry!" I said distraught, I had blocked out everyone's thoughts at lunch since their so rowdy. "Hey (Y/N)," he said distraught. I got (F/F) and sat at a table, that's when everyone from this morning sat at the same table,  as Saiki thought 'I don't have to deal with them today ' and started to walk off. Just then Nendou called to Saiki and told him to sit, and his mood went from good to bad in the blink of an eye while he pulled out a coffee jelly. He sat down and started to eat while Teruhashi started to relentlessly talk to him and Kaido and I started to talk like incompetent 8-year-olds. After break, we headed back to our classes, which just so happened to be art.


Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed 

(Word count- 1067)


-edited 2- 

I have now checked this chapter, please tell me if you notice any mistakes, it's highly appreciated and I will fix them!! -3/9/2021-

-Shanny ^^

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