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          IN HER SIXTEEN YEARS, MORGAN LEE HAD BEEN TO HER FAIR SHARE OF WEDDINGS. And, well, by that she means that she's been to three all for the same person – her Aunt Helen. It all began when she was two and her memory was nonexistent, but from what her aunt told her (though it wasn't much), she got married in spring because she was young and naïve thinking that since spring was the blooming of flowers, it could be the blooming of her marriage which would last forever.

The marriage ended in fall.

And then, Helen would muse that of course her marriage ended in the season where everything else died – just like the beautiful flowers she promised her marriage to.

His name was Derek Patterson and he was a muggle, which was the entire basis as to why he divorced her so quickly. Helen fell in love quickly and wanted to stay in this state, not wanting to tell him anything that could end her love affair, and kept her status as a witch a tip-top secret.

Of course, like everything, the secret came out and he didn't handle it very well. Going out for a drink and never returning, only sending her divorce papers. Helen then proceeded to burn everything he touched with a spell out of spite, though that didn't stop the pain inside her heart.

The second wedding came when Morgan was nine and she couldn't actually remember the ceremony and the husband. By that time, much had changed in the young girl's life, including her living arrangements for two years before she had lost her parents in an unfortunate work event. But, that was the price of having a high stake career such as that of an Auror.

Because of her mistakes with the last marriage, Helen made a complete one-eighty with her second husband. For one, he wasn't a muggle so there was no fear that he would find out about magic and freak out over it. The second was that it was a winter ceremony, the complete opposite of spring because nothing was growing or blooming and therefore there would be no disappointment if it did die.

         Justin Matthews seemed like such a good man. He helped Morgan out with her homework, he cleaned the dishes, always had date nights with Helen, and never seemed to have a problem with Morgan. Well, seemed anyway.

In the second year of their marriage, when little Morgan went to Hogwarts and send home a letter detailing her acceptance as a Slytherin, Justin pushed harshly for children. He wanted his own prodigy in the world, wanted to continue his bloodline and his good name.

However, Helen never really wanted children. She loved Morgan and never regretted taking the girl in, but children were never in her life plan. She was a Healer – and a fine one at that – and all she wanted was a cat and a husband, good friends, and her family. Not children.

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