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        THOUGH SHE DIDN'T MEAN TO, SHE CONTINUED TO GLANCE TOWARDS REMUS DURING MEALS. He never glanced back, their eyes never met, and it was clear that she was more desperate for a connection with him than he was with her. And it was foolish – utterly and completely foolish – yet she couldn't help but slip and give him a little glance.

         It never changed anything. She didn't know if he had gotten her rose, or if he kept it, or even if he liked it. He might've scoffed and thrown it right away, he might have laughed with his friends over it because look at the silly little girl Morgan Lee, but maybe he kept it. Maybe he still had it on his bedside table like she had hers, and maybe he liked it.

         Maybe he thought it was a nice gesture, a step in the right direction, and maybe he might think she was worth spending his time on again. But she didn't know because he never stopped her in the hallway or found in the library like he used to, or even glanced at her during meals. He was enamored with his own life, laughing with his friends, studying with that stupid Lily Evans, but he wasn't looking at her.

         And it just made her feel silly, getting so caught up on a little boy and a little crush and a desire for someone to think good of her. She wasn't good. She knew of a Death Eater and she was protecting him out of fear for her aunt's life. That was a good reason, a valid one she knew, but still. She was harboring evil and spreading it because of fear while still wanting to feel good about herself.

         "Morgan," Adeline snapped in front of her eyes, causing her to jump back slightly and blink, "You're zoning out again."

         "Look, I know Remus is fit and everything, but come on," Dominic pouted, "I'm right here and I'm as fit as him. It hurts my feelings a little that you're not so caught up on me."

         She glared at him. "I'll throw this roll at you," she already had the bread in hand, "I've done it before."

         "You can't resort to violence every time I tease you," Dominic grumbled but he lost the attitude and continued to eat, "Lighten up a little, let me have my fun."

         "Dom, stop it," Adeline hissed at him, "We're not here to tease her. Can't you see she's still fragile about fancying him?"

         Morgan's cheeks went red and she ended up throwing the roll at Adeline. "Shut it! I am not fragile and I don't...whatever, just – stop," she complained, failing to properly shut them up.

         Her two friends snickered at each other and Adeline didn't look the littlest bit peeved about having been smacked in the chest with bread. "It's alright to like him. He's fit and he's smart," Dominic told her.

Sabotage! ⋆ Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now