Chapter 9

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Jareth had more trouble sleeping than anyone else that night. He lay on his back, staring up at the sloped ceiling of his tent. He could hardly decide what he was feeling just then. He was elated at having Sarah back, apprehensive of what she might do in the coming days, and saddened at the sight of her because of the years of heartbreak he had suffered. He still didn't understand what he did wrong. He offered her everything, tried desperately to live up to her expectations. But she had still chosen Toby over him and blamed him for everything. He still remembered the cruel look she had had in her eyes. How could she have possibly seen him as the bad guy? She had cursed her strict stepmother, she had wished Toby away. Jareth had only ever done what Sarah wanted. Why did she insist on hating and mistrusting him?

It's not fair.

Those were the words she had spoken so many times on her journey through the labyrinth. And she was right. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair for him.

Jareth sighed. Why had Terra done it? How could she have been so thoughtless? He wondered if maybe she had changed more than he'd thought when he'd set eyes on her at the great ball. They used to be so close. They had held such a deep understanding of each other, to the point where one could often have guessed what the other was thinking. But now he had no idea what Terra was thinking. She had seemed so excited to see him again at the day of the great ball, and after she had learned of Sarah, she had been comforting and supportive. There was no way she could have acted out of malice toward him, so the only other possibility was that she had simply wanted to be a good friend by presenting him a second chance with Sarah. But she didn't realize that that wasn't what Jareth had wanted.

Are you sure this isn't what you wanted? Jareth's thoughts asked naggingly.

Okay, maybe he had wanted this. But part of him had always known it wouldn't do any good. Sarah didn't think of him in that way. The only result of their reunion would be further heartbreak, and Jareth couldn't help but feel confused, angry, and betrayed at Terra's impulsive actions. He needed to talk to her, but not just then. He would wait until morning.

~Time skip~

When morning came, Jareth was awakened by the sound of a crackling fire. He emerged from his tent, spotting Terra sitting on the ground in front of a roaring fire. However, what she was burning looked nothing like firewood.

Jareth felt sudden dread and rage creeping up on him. Terra looked up into his widening eyes and smiled pleasantly.


Sarah's tent erupted with a scream of surprise at the livid noise. She poked her head out her tent, her eyes half closed and her hair a tangled mess. She looked up at the sight of a fuming Jareth standing over the unfazed Terra, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Tell me you didn't!" Jareth snapped, "Tell me you didn't do what I think you did!"

Terra blinked up at him.

"Well," she beamed, "I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of seeing you this angry."

"Terra, you burned my carriage! You deliberately burned it!"

"My dear friend, what I saw was not a carriage but a brilliant opportunity for a nice warm fire," Terra said with a radiant smile.

Jareth's eyes gleamed dangerously, "If you weren't a woman I would hit you."

"Well, I'm glad I'm a woman then—" Terra hardly had time to finish her sentence before Sarah streaked out of her tent and smacked Terra soundly across the face. Terra put a hand to her jaw. "Ow," she muttered, speaking in monotone.

"How could you?" Sarah shrieked, her hands balled into fists, "How could you be so horrible? Why are you so set on keeping me here anyway? I have a family, a life I need to get back to! How could you do such a hateful thing? I never did anything to you!"

"Well...that was a rather bad start to the day." For once, Terra had lost her smile. "Shall I gather some real firewood?"

"Don't bother!" Sarah snarled, storming off into the woods.

"Sarah, wait!" Jareth called at the retreating figure.

His words went unheeded.

"You should probably go after her," Terra said.

Jareth rounded on her again.

"Why are you acting like this?" he demanded, his tone a little gentler, "This isn't the you I remember."

"I've changed. You said it yourself."

"I never believed the timid, kind-hearted friend I knew in childhood was capable of such contempt."

Terra frowned, "I don't hate her. But I need her to think that I do."

"Why? What purpose does that serve?"

Terra simply stared at him. Then the answer struck Jareth.

"You want to play the bad guy so that she'll be forced to turn to me," he said.

Terra grinned slyly, "You figured it out. Now let's just hope she doesn't."

Jareth shook his head sadly, "It won't work. She despises me."

Terra poked at the fire with a little stick, resting her chin in her hand, "She has no real reason to. All she has to do is see that. In the meantime, just be your charming self and she'll fall right into your arms."

Jareth chuckled suddenly, causing Terra to look up.

"I never thought I'd see you playing matchmaker on my behalf," he said, his mismatched eyes alight with amusement.

"You have to admit," Terra smiled genuinely, "I'm a pretty good one."

For a split second, Jareth was plunged into the memories of having Terra so often by his side in childhood. She had been such a good friend, and even now, she was still being a good friend to him. A comforting thought arose in his mind. The Terra he remembered hadn't gone, she had simply grown into a confident, adventurous woman with a mischievous and daring nature. But she still had that kind heart. Not too unlike Sarah, now that he thought about it. Although Sarah was quick-tempered and appeared pretty hard to please on the outside, inside she was a warm and caring person. Jareth suppressed another chuckle. So Terra had been wrong; the two women shared more similarities than just their names. And although he had been doubtful at first, Jareth now believed he liked this new Terra very much.

The sound of his friend clearing her throat drew him out of his reverie.

"Excuse me, Prince Charming," she said, "But I do believe the object of your affections is getting away."

Jareth nodded, turning on his heel and striding off into the trees. Terra was giving him a second chance; he certainly wasn't going to waste it.    

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