Chapter 35 - Yellow Jackets and a Fighting Chance

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Once the door shut, Rumlow forced Skye around so that her back was to the bars. He was still holding on to her shoulders. Scott immediately yelled, "roll call." Slowly they all acknowledged that they were okay.

"Don't look behind you, okay?" He let go of her, but didn't move away.

Skye knew what had happened, and she had to fight her curiosity to make herself not turn around. "She shot him, didn't she?"

"Yeah," he responded flatly. "From where we're sitting, you can't see much now, but trust me, you don't need to see any of it."

Tears were falling from her eyes again. Jim, or whatever his real name was, was a terrible person, but Skye didn't feel any better knowing that he was dead. She wiped at the tears, but more just replaced them and the tears turned into full blown crying. "She is horrible!"

"Yes, she is horrible. She's also very, very dangerous." He took her hand and tried to comfort her.

Skye breathed deeply and after a few minutes she finally got ahold of herself. "You are so right about that. Did you see it?"

He shook his head. "I saw her reach for the gun and grabbed you. I was looking down at you when it happened. It's nothing I haven't seen before, though." She looked up at him in shock. "Street gang, remember? They don't exactly play with rubber weapons."

Before she could ask him more about it, the door opened and Rumlow whispered, "Bob and Tom. I think they are here to collect him. You don't need to see this, Skye. Just keep looking away."

"What are we supposed to do about all that blood?" She heard Bob ask, his voice shaky.

"Beats me. I guess we leave it there. I don't want to make that woman mad for any reason. She said to come remove the body, so let's just pick him up and get out of here."

It took a few moments, but soon the door shut and they were alone again. "He's gone. There's nothing to see now. We need to get out of here and quickly. This lady is no joke."

As if reading Rumlow's mind, Clark shouted. "I am ready to get out of here, guys."

"Pretty sure we all are," Dick responded.

"Very much so," Rumlow added.

Skye knew exactly what that meant. They were all tired of just waiting in their cells for whatever was going to happen next, and it was time to fight back. There was a plan for Clark to start it, so now they just had to wait for the best time. Sickly, Skye realized that at least they were down one person to have to fight, but she was pretty sure that Madam Viper was tough enough to make up for missing Jim.

Rumlow looked at Skye. "Listen, when Clark starts this......."

Skye sat up straight and cut him off immediately. "Stop. Seriously, just stop. If you're about to tell me that I need to stay calm and run for the exit without helping everyone else, you can just save your breath. I'm one of three people here who can actually do something more than fight. I'm not helpless and I am capable of defending myself."

He looked at her appraisingly, and chuckled. "Actually, I was just going to say that you should feel free to grab any one of those jerks if they get close to you and quake the heck out of them. You can really hurt someone if you are touching them. I bet you could do it even if you weren't touching them."

Skye's annoyed expression turned to shock, remembering that he was holding on to her when she came close to losing control a little while ago. "Ugh. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

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