Save You Tonight, Tomorrow, and Days On ~ A 1D fanfic

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 What would you say if I told you your favorite boy band was in trouble? You would probably say "Thats so typical of them. They're always messing around!" Unfortuantly, that's not the kind of trouble I'm talking about. It appears, these five boys are targets to be elminated. We don't know by who or why. All we can do is save these boys.



I'm going to cut to the chase. I'm 17 years old, my name is Marley Lyles, and I live at Madison Square Garden. Weird right? My dad own's an underground headquarters under this place, and I'm an agent spy type of thing. I don't beat around the bush. I've been on missions. Like saving the presidents life once. Obama's a cool guy by the way. But I couldn't of done it alone without my two best friends, Taylor Lux and Samantha Drew. We've been in training for as long as we can remember. The only time we have ever been to a public school, is when we're saving one from bomb threats. Welcome to my homeschooled life.

I kneel down to tye my shoe. I've been jogging around the arena for 15 minutes non stop, and I still haven't broken a sweat. My brown hair is currently up in a pony tail and I'm wearing some black sofie shorts and a blue victoria's secret hoodie. I had stopped near the stage."Harry, put your pants on!" I hear a voice. It's a mans voice and he sound's British. I get up to see who it was. I walk towards the concert stage and try to peer over. There's a man and 4 boys looking about or at least around my age. The curly haired one is currently zipping the zipper of his pants. They must be the show for tonight. I looked a bit closer and noticed that it was One Direction. Samantha, AKA Sam or Sammy, would freak. I look like shit right now probably. I put my ear buds back in and turn around. My body runs into another. At first, I see a white polo shirt. I then look up to meet a pair of gorgeous blue eyes. "Sorry, I should watch where I'm going," He says. He has an Irish accent and messy blonde hair. Its Niall Horan. "No, its fine." I couldn't find any other words to say. "I'm Niall," He says and hold's out his hand. "I'm-" "Alex!" I hear from a distance. I shift my body to look behind Niall. Its my dad. "What?" I say. My name is Marley. Not Alex? "Niall, this is Alex. The contestant winner!" What the hell is he talking about? "Now, Alex, come with me," my dad says. When we were a good distance, I quietly say to my dad, "What the hell was that?!"

"Don't freak out. I'll explain in the headquarters."


  "And 5,6,7,8," I count off the steps of my movements. I teach a group of street dancers. Every year, there is a contest some where in New York City. It's in a different spot every year. My group usually wins. Okay I actually help teach a street dance class, but we still win every year.  I dance to the first few steps of Strange Clouds. I turn to see if every one else is getting the moves down right. "Steven, its right then left!" I shout. "Taylor, some ones here for you," Andrea, the actual dance teacher, says. She points over to a guy in the lobby with a black suit and sun glasses. I roll my eyes. Can't he dress normal? You would think the suit will blow his cover. I walk up to him. "Yes, agent J?" I say. I, and my two best friends, are the youngest agents in the nation. The older agents all have nicknames, like in Men in Black. "You're needed for-" the music shuts off, and I turn around to everyone giving us faces like this >> o.O

Agent J continues, "For your mom. She wants you to help paint the house?" I stare at him blankly for a moment then say, "Whatever." The music goes back on and they continue their dance. I walk over to my dance bag, grab it and walk out the door. "Would it kill you to dress normal in public?" I say to agent J as we get in the black SUV.


"Woman, you dont know WHAT I can do!" I shout as I'm fighting over the last pair of pink converse with some 30 year old woman. "You're too old for converse anyway!" I say. The shoe goes back and fourth. Behind the blonde woman, I see a man in a suit looking over at me in the store window. Its Agent J. I know what it means when Mr.Lyles, Marleys dad, sends out the agents to creep on us. Something important like a mission is happening. If I wasn't an agent and I saw a dude in a suit just staring at a teenage girl and a woman fighting over a pair of shoes, I'd be creeped out for them. But that isnt the case. Agent J gives me a Really Sam? look. I sigh, and let go of the shoes. The woman falls back onto her bum. "You won this time," I say then step over her.

 "We've fought off 30 armed men, and you couldn't win over a pair of converse?" Taylor stares at me like I'm an idiot. "I couldn't hurt the woman! ... Or the shoes," I say.

Taylor, Agent J and I are in the elevator going down to the headqaurters. The place is filled with agents walking around. Each on a different mission. I look up to a big screen and see a picture of One Direction. "OH MY GOD!" I screech and jump up and down. The place goes silent and everyone's looking at me. Taylor giggles. I blush from the embarrassment. The place goes back to normal within seconds. "Calm down Sam," Taylor laughs. J is in between us.  Eventually, we enter our meeting room. Marley is sitting there spinning in a chair. There's a few other agents here too. The door automatically shuts behind us. Taylor and I take a seat next to Marley. "Now that everyone's here, let's get started on your missions. Sam, you're going to have to calm yourself for this one," Mr.Lyles says.Why would I need to calm myself?


This better be a good explanation as to why my own father called me Alex. The room dims, and the only thing you can hear is Taylor obnoxiously tapping her pencil. I put hand on her arm signaling her to stop. She mouths the words Sorry. A picture of One Direction appear on the hollagram screen. I look over at Sam, who's trying so hard not to fangirl, and I chuckle. My dad begans to speak, "You all know One Direction. So let's just get to the point. These boys are being targeted for elimination. We don't know by who or exactly why, but we've been watching them and we have pictures of random people trying to sabatoge them. They all have this tattoo." The hollagram changes to a mans arm with a firey sun on it. "We need you girls to go on tour with them, and find out who is doing this and why." Sam lets out a small squeel. "Marley, I called you Alex today because you are undercover as Alex Kinder, a contestant winner who is touring with them. You have two sisters, one brother, and a step father because your parents are divorced. Taylor, your name is going to be Chaley Mace. You're a new member of the dance crew on their tour. And yes, you will have to learn the dances while being undercover. You're an only child, and your parents are happily married. And lastly, Sam, you're going to be under cover as a few characters. Mostly a fan named Kendra Kyle," He says. "What?!" Sam shouts. "I'm like their biggest fan! You can't do this to me!" "Yes I can. You being their biggest fan makes you perfect to blend in with all those other crazy girls."

My life is going to be totally fake for a whole year. Never have I ever thought I was going to be protecting the worlds most popular boy band. Our lives are going to change.


Did you like it? :] I wrote this with PutASmileOnYourFace! If you think we should continue, comment. PLEASE. Thank you :] xxx

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