A Maid With Fair Hair

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The mother held her swattled baby in her arms. Her tears streaming down her face resembled diamonds in the candle light. She had just had a daughter on this cold Christmas evening.

Her daughter was pink and very warm. She did not cry. The infant slept. For this chaotic world she needed her energy. Her head full with blonde hair. In that retrospect she resembled her father Algernon.

Ursula was the name of this new mother. She whispered to her sleeping baby as her maid and midwife cleaned up the room for her baby.

A young hooded woman walked pass the bedroom, Ursula called out to her, "Yve, Please inform my husband of our daughter's birth."

"He is in Paris from an urgent request from the council." Yve reinformed her former teacher.

"Yes." Ursula nodded.

"I shall make my way there to tell him... if needed be so." Yve offered. "It is Christmas, after all, He should be with you instead of working."

Mrs. Beaumonté only nodded again. Yve didn't enjoy these cold winter trips but she had been through worse.


"You have information for me? Dorian and Bellec?" Addressed the very tall and muscular form of Algernon who dressed in a fur lined forest green coat made for this frozen winter. He sat on a wooden bench in the study of the assassin sanctuary.

"Oui, Algernon. Your former apprentice's where abouts have been discovered." Dorian exposed to his compatriot.

"Where is he?" Algernon kept a passive face but inside an array of emotions flared up within.

"In the country side of Avergine."

"How did the council come about this piece of information?" Algernon never thought his apprentice could be so careless about the marks Marcus leaves as he  treads.

"The council has its ways. They also want you to kill your former apprentice Marcus De Villon before he harms one of our own." Pierre Bellec's rough words carved into the stone that was Algernon's obsidian conscious.

"I know it will not be easy for you to kill the young man whom was very precious to you, Beaumonté... This is..." Algernon stopped Charles from saying anymore by raising his hand.

"Say no more, Mon ami. I am responsible for what he has become... And so it is my responsibility to end him." Both of the men nodded at the fair haired man's words. They expected his reply to be no less.

Algernon failed to teach his apprentice three very important lessons : With power comes great responsibility, others without power will seek it and some will choose to manipulate those with it.

(A/N: Before we get to the cheesier part. I will outline that the theme of power is a important part of this story.)

🐱(1777, A.D)

"Come on, Justine... Get your head out of that book!" A man in a fancy golden blonde wig and navy blue tailored noble's clothes urged his young niece forward.

"I am surprised that she even likes to read, Issac." His wife Dominique commented following beside him. Their own son Xaviere hated to read for leisure.

"It is one of her best qualities, My dear. Progressive education is the future, inevitably..." He chuckled. By sight 'Dandy' was the one word to describe Issac De Railleur. He held himself and his wife in the highest regard to fashion and the arts. Even for being a templer he wasn't the power hungry type. He was the type to lay back and let the others fight over positions of power or get assassinated. Under all the posh and elegance, He was a true strategic master. So after marrying an assassin, the couple 'seemingly' left their orders and would only give advice to those who asked. Why did they do this? Only they know.

The two things he enjoyed the most were violins and operas. One more, Satin.

He wondered why his former teacher François called him to the palace on this day. He hated when others tried to pressure him out of his inner workings to get him involved in something he absolutely wants nothing to do with.

Justine closed the book with her small hands and held it to her side, "Mother and father gave me this book for my birthday... Why did they have to leave? Yesterday?"

"Assassin work is very important to your parents. More important than their own daughter... it would seem, A disgrace." Issac consented holding his niece's hand. "After we enter these doors... Please stay with your aunt, Justine..."

"You are here to meet De La Serre?" Justine catched on quickly.

"...Yes, François has a daughter... If she is here... Maybe you can play with her." He didn't know his niece even knew the man's name.

"Mother and father say templers are dangerous."

"Yes, They are... Yet, The De La Serres are a decent and reasonable templar family..." Issac consoled passing by people in noble dress. "Times are changing and so are we."

Once they entered. Her uncle disappeared and so did her aunt. Against her uncle's wishes; Justine didn't care she continued to read her book. Walking slowly down the red rug to the left, pass paintings and statues. She stopped and heard the giggle of a girl. Next a boy ran by and snatched her book from her hands and ran.

"Give my book back!" She picked up her blue dress and ran after him.

"Morte Du Auther', Interesting book you have here." He chuckled.

Soonly she would pounce on him and try to wrestle her present out of his grip. Her book sled on to the marble floor. A red haired girl picked up the book.

"Percival is my favorite knight." Elise put forth.

"Galahad is mine." Justine smiled.

"So, What are your names fair maid and noble thief?" The red head spoke once more as if she was fairy tale royalty. As her new friends came to their feet.

"I am Justine Beaumonté... I like cats and books." She revealed eagerly.

Arno proceeded with the same approach as the 'fair maid', "I'm Arno Dorian and I like... Um." He was hindered from speaking once he thought about his father.

"Pretty girls?" Èlise giggled a question. Justine did not laugh. Suspension everybody, she could never get the courage to ask a question like that with someone who she had just met. She was too much of a coward.

Once the bell rang. He left to go find his father. Èlise wanted to follow after him. Justine stood in place. She took the blonde's hand and forced her to come.

As nobles stood stupified looking over the body of Dorian senior. Arno's whole world stopped only the voice of Elise's father brought him back to reality. Èlise hugged Arno in her arms and took him to another room. Justine found it appropriate to follow after the two.

Justine's uncle Issac De Railleurs knelt down and examined the death blow, "Interesting... A dagger to the throat... Or one could say a hidden blade. Quick and unnoticeable. Very efficient." His blue eyes looked up to his wife Dominique with his oculars. She nodded knowing very well what he meant.

"An assassin's blade?" De La Serre suggested.

"Yes, and no. Several days ago, we were informed of a traitorous assassin who entered our territory. From their tracks this place was their destination... It seems their mission was for filled." Dominique informed him. "...My sister and her husband failed to intercept the traitor."

An expression of pain crossed Issac, "Now, what will I tell Justine? She will not take this well..."

"This is why we need you, De Railleurs." De La Serre patted him on the back and went forth to retrieve his daughter.

"You need my skills and knowledge? Why?" He stood before De La Serre.

François spoke with a serious tone, "The murder of Charles Dorian is a great example why."

"You live by the blade... You die from it... There are a few things we should speak about privately, De La Serre." Issac peered down at the body of Charles and spoke to François one last time.

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