Don't Come Chasing After Me |A Scene|

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1789, Milan, Italy

Her training with her assassin master Yve Marie la Chappelle lead Justine half across Europe and Asia. Once powerless over her own fate. Justine seeked to better herself and for her life to mean something.

Yve Marie on the other hand wanted her new apprentice to be as skilled as possible in the art of elimination, seduction and deception. She first had to change her apprentice's way of judgement.

Before putting herself before the graces of an assassin master. Justine would never think of using others emotions and attractions to achieve whatever she wanted or was asked to do. The blonde was taught to respect others and herself. She eventually accepted this as part of her training.

While on the travel back to France. The master and apprentice visited Milan, Italy. They arrived at the city at midnight. Passed by littered streets and beggers. Justine flipped a dagger in her right hand as she followed Yve Marie to a secret backway the assassins used requently to enter a hideout. She knew exactly what lerked in the dark.

In the shadows leaned an Italian assassin by the name of Amadeo Belluchia. He was indeed handsome and he knew it. When Justine arrived at the Italian assassin HQ, three years ago. He quickly took a liking to her. He could tell this new apprentice absolutely has never used her blades to kill. Never watched someone die. Yet as they worked together with missions and she matured into an assassin, he grew closer to her and so a kind of fondness for the Beaumonté woman formed within him.

He came out from the shade and instantly Justine pinned him to the brick wall with the dagger she wielded adeptly to his throat.

"You thought you could sneak upon me the same way twice? Amadeo?" She smirked, Her blade edging ever closer to his pale skin. In a way he liked this.

"I am such a fool... I give up." He rolled his brown eyes and raised his hands up in surrender.

Yve Marie skipped the chase, "What information do you have for me? Belluchia?"

Justine released Amadeo and he began to speak to the woman dressed as a nun, "It is most displeasing. The both of you should return to France."

Justine's voice whispered demandingly from under her white lace rimmed green hood, "Get to the point, Amadeo..."

"Well, As suspected unrest grows in your old country... And " He sighed.

Yve spoke up, "That has been known... Very well, I will accept this and look into the matter of the French assassins." The nun impersonator nodded and walked down into the dark. Her assassin sister followed after her.

"I never asked you this, Justine... When the Masters initiated you... What did you see in the visions?" Amadeo walked beside her.

"I saw... Nothing." She lied.

He could tell in her cold glare, Justine was lying, "You are not telling me the truth."

"If I told you the whole truth you would think I'm crazy or hysterical..." She replied stoicly.

"Nothing is true." He stated an assassin tenet.

"Piece by piece... I had dreams of lifes who are not mine and of times that are not ours. I saw reminders of those." She revealed reluctantly.

Amadeo prided himself on being open minded, "Oh, Interesting... I will keep this between us."

Justine gave him one of her rare smiles which would make one believe she still had a soul, "Thank you,"

"I will miss you, Justine." He admitted daringly.

She sighed and watched Yve enter two large doors, then close. "Have I lead you astray Amadeo?... Whatever you feel for me is an illusion, A lie."

"Keep on telling yourself that. If I could convince you I would tell you to never go back to France, Stay here. The only things you will find there are bloodshed, betrayal and heartache!" To her clear judgement his words were true, Yet did nothing to change her mind.

"What do you know about my previous life? Belluchia?" Justine hissed, her words cutting like knifes.

"Only what you told me." He confessed.

"I only ask that you don't come chasing after me... By that time you may not like what you see." She had already made plans for what she was going to do when arriving back home. "Oh, Yes! I almost forgot! Please send this to my uncle!" She forced a sealed letter into his hands and hurried through the doors.

Amadeo shrugs his shoulders and tucked the letter into his brown coat. "As you wish."

(Author: This chapter is rather short, Its a scene. In this version of the Fanfiction, I wanted to give Justine more than one love interest, even if it is unrequited. Now totally unrelated to this Fanfiction, I believe entirely that the story writers of Unity should have given Arno some friends/allies other than Élise, It's like his whole world revolves around her and it's creepy. I have experienced this kind of obession in the past and it's self destructive. Obession is not love.)

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