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Hello everyone! This will be a short update. It's a more filler chapter into Melanie and Porter's life together. I think I didn't expound on their relationship enough. Enjoy lovelies don't forget to vote and comment any thoughts or suggestions you have.

(This song fits perfectly with the chapter please play while reading)

"Mel I love you. But I can't be with you"

Those words. It hurt like hell, all my hopes of us actually being together. Gone.

"What are you saying?" I blinked back tears.

He sighed rubbing  his neck.

"I'm staying with Renae. It works better this way—"

"Works better?" I laughed bitterly
He said nothing.

After treating Porter's wounds and eating some Doritos, he finally spoke.

"Porter you really know how to get a girl's hopes up. I just understand why you keep doing this to me? Am I broken or something?—"

I stood to my feet, hands expressing my frustration.

"—am I not pretty enough for you? Is that it?" Tears ran freely down my face.

He hurriedly came to my side, taking my hands in his.

"God Mel! That's not it at all" he breathed rubbing his thumbs teasingly across my skin.

"Then what is? Explain it to me please?" I pleaded

Why am I like this over a guy?

He wasn't just some guy though, he was Porter. My Porter. The guy I've known before I could walk, he was my rock.

We've been through so much together, I can't believe he's just letting this go.

If he wants to, then I won't stop him. I will forget about him.

"Mel. I'll always love y—" he started

"NO!" I yelled pulling my hands away.

He looked shocked, like he never excepted that reaction.

Well wrong! I won't be childish anymore.

"GET OUT!" I hissed pointing to the door.

"Mel—" he stood reaching for me. I took a step back shaking off his entire existence.


"I said leave! What part of get out don't you understand. Vges éxo! Esci! Salí!" I yelled in the four different languages I knew.

Hurt and guilt crossed his face.

I kept my sadness hidden behind my angered expression. I emphasized my signal to door, letting him know I meant business.

"Fine. I'll go" he headed waited. I made it my point of duty to see him out.

"Mel I—" I slammed the door in his face setting the security code and enabling the locks.

All my pent up anger towards him made me suddenly burst into tears. I collapsed onto the ground crying my heart out, I screamed and wailed for him.

Cursing his very being, cursing him for invading my life, for loving me and making me slowly fall for him.

There was no way I was going to get over this. Porter was my first love, even after realizing it too late.

He will forever be in my heart.


"Mama?" I turned to the voice of most precious woman in my life. She stood in the door way with groceries in her hand.

I rushed to her side hugging her frame. Dropping everything, she cradled me and  caressed my hair.

I bawled into her chest letting everything out. She cooed in my ear reassuring me everything was going to be alright.

I needed her more than ever, she was my only reason for being.

The reason why I was holding on for dear life.

"I love you momma"

"Me too amor"

Bad Ass White Boy, With Nothing To Prove | BWWM |Where stories live. Discover now