Intro: The most beautiful moment in life

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   "Once you were at the top, everything else seems boring in comparison to the rise to it" Min yoongi had decided.

He was 18 years old, bored out his mind, and the most wanted ghoul in all of Korea. "Most wanted, not the most powerful." Yoongi reminded himself. He sat up, crossing his legs and stretching his neck. He learned who the strongest ghoul was while teaching another ghoul about territories worked, and how to stay off of his, a few years ago.

  "Please let me go, If-if your looking f-for information I'll t-tell you, please just let me go, I swear I-I won't bother you ever again!" The Ghoul cried, scared for their life. They had a kokaku kagune so they were out matched by yoongi who had a ukaku kagune.

Yoongi didn't say anything, but instead punched the ghoul in their mouth, not hard enough to knock them out though. He was curious about what the ghoul had to say it had been awhile since he had heard any good info from anyone.

"If your gonna say the something than fucking say it, I'm starting to grow tired of hearing your whiny, pre-pubescent voice." Yoongi spat with a coldness that hadn't always been present.

The ghoul started to speak " I-I heard from a friend th-that the Star ghoul was spotted Gwacheon."

"is he really a half-breed like the rumors say or was that part just made up like the rest."

"I d-don't  know but his rank has been raised again." The ghoul replied " He's a SSSS rank now"

"SSSS rank... so he's two ranks above me. Guess I have some training to do." Yoongi said casually, like he was talking about who was the top of the class and not about how dangerous a humanoid monster that killed and ate people like he did.

"Tell me have you heard the rumor about what eating other ghouls does to someone?" yoongi asked the ghoul.

The ghoul looked like he just shit his pants if he hadn't already. "N-no, what have they said?"

Yoongi just pulled out his famous smirk, the one people said was the last thing you would see before you died.

"Oh nothing much, just that it will make you immensely stronger than you are now. Probably due to the intake of so many RC cells at once."

"Y-yeah that's gotta be it" the ghoul squeaked out.

"well let's see if this rumor holds up, shall we?" And screams filled the night sky.

The star ghoul was well known as the strongest ghoul in all of Korea, but had only popped up a few times, all of which in Gwacheon, just like the ghoul has said.

While the yoongi years ago would have been excited at the challenge of fighting someone stronger than himself. After all he had gone up a rank in the time since then. The yoongi In this present day, was tried and bored of fighting. but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get rid of the target that he painted on his back all those years ago.

All Min Yoongi wanted was to disappear and fade away back into his mothers arms. Hell he would he even settle for that bastard of a father's arms.

The sound of footsteps brought yoongi back to reality. He looked towards the start of the alleyway, where light from lampposts were peaking through into his shitty home. While yoongi used to have a nice apartment from killing ghouls and taking their money, no one showed up to challenge him anymore and if they did they didn't have anything to live off of to begin with. Now he just had a broken down mattress in a back ally in the slums of Seoul to call his home.
The two men stood at the front of said home now. One of the two was taller than the other and had very broad shoulders. He wore a pink hoodie that covered his face from the rain and jeans that looked like they were hand-me-downs. The shorter of the two also wore a old hoodie and some old sweatpants but both looked brand-new in comparison to his red Converse. Which were caked in mud and were possibly broken.

Yoongi sniffed the air, they we're both ghouls. What do you two want." His called out his voice as unforgiving and cold as rain pouring down his face.

"We just wanted to see if the rumors of the famous gloss ghoul were true" the short one replied.

Yoongi cringed at the sound of his old nickname the stupid fucking CCG gave him and decided that he wasn't having any of this cutesy bullshit

"Well they aren't so if you two could leave me the fuck alone that would be great"
The short one grew annoyed "HE- " it's fine namjoon he's just stressed."
The ghoul called namjoon backed down

"and who the Fuck are you"

"someone who can give you place to stay while your reputation dies out, if you are the gloss ghoul and have just been denying it." The Ghoul had a small satisfied smirk on his face.

"I'm listening" yoongi said, not letting his voice show how happy he was to have a place to sleep that wasn't the streets or how much he wanted to punch the ghoul in his stupid face, which while yoongi could admit was handsome, He wasn't looking for a relationship currently. He instead was trying to find a way to become a nobody.

The ghoul extended his hand for yoongi to take "come with me and I will fill you in on the details."

Yoongi took the his hand and was pulled off the ground. " It's Seokjin by the way" The ghoul said, and they all walked out of the alleyway. The only noises that could be heard was the sound of footsteps and the rain pouring down onto the ground around them.

Thx for reading this is my first real fanfic so I'm sorry if it's bad.
Also hixtape dropped on the day I am writing this and I'm shook. Daydream is soooo good.

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