Never mind

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Several weeks earlier

Min yoongi wanted to scream at one of ghouls, which had previously brought him to his presumed new home.

The reason? They had no god damned fashion sense and when yoongi asked seokjin if he had any other clothing he just said "I'm not happy about our clothing situation either but it's the only thing we can afford right now. Also just call me jin and by jin I mean jin-hyung. There is no way in hell im letting you disrespect me in my own house."

So he then went and asked namjoon who said "If your not happy about it get a job and help us pay the rent and maybe then we can get some better clothes."

This whole excursion left Yoongi feeling tried and disappointed. But hey, wearing a old pink tee shirt with the words "saucy boi" written in sparkles on it while living under a roof was better than wearing his old mud and blood stained tee shirt while living in an alley with nothing but the sky over his head.

However the alley did have its perks. For example Yoongi  didn't have to share the alley with two other ghouls that made him do chores like clean the dishes (most of which were just coffee cups with occasional plate that had crusted blood on it) or do the laundry. Back in the alley he would just throw his old Starbucks cups away and he certainly did not eat his meals on a plate. So to say yoongi was having second thoughts was an huge understatement.

He decided the best way to make this whole everyone carries their own weight thing easier, was to talk to the two who brought him in. Maybe ask a few questions like "Hey can I not do chores and instead be on food duty or can you at least tell me why the hell you brought me here"

Yoongi instead found Jin and namjoon talking to each other in the kitchen. Why the fuck anyone would have intense conversations about RC cells, he didn't know. So he decided to skedaddle the fuck out of there before he was included in anything.

But of course jin said " oh yoongi, sit down I was just about to go and get you" before he could make his cunning escape.

Yoongi entered the kitchen not in a rush to get to the small circular table in the center of the also small room. There where cabinets lining  the sides of the walls. The stove, sink ( still filled with dishes thanks to Yoongi's procrastination)and oven lay beneath them on one wall. The other had more cabinets, a Microwave and a fridge beside it. Which Yoongi guessed the latter was for meat to be stored in so they could eat it in the future.

Turing his gaze back to Jin, yoongi asked "What is it Hyung?" As he sat down in a chair facing the two ghouls.

"Have you ever heard of RC Cells"

"RC cells? Are they any ghouls who haven't heard of RC cells" yoongi thought but instead said "yeah, but not that much"

Jin's eyes seemed to have a sheen to them. "Well just how much do you know?"

Yoongi's voice unsure as he said "Well I know that ghouls need to ingest  them to live and that they have a higher amount of them than humans"

"And?" Jin pried.

"Well due to the intake of them the kagune of ghouls who eat other ghouls become stronger and that's all I know"

"Well, your right but not exactly right." The glean in his eyes had passed.

"You see RC cells stand for Red Child Cells, because of their appearance which is that of a fetu-"

"Please skip to the important part." Yoongi spit, cutting Jin off, who looked absolutely livid. That is until unbeknownst to Yoongi a hand clasped Jin's from under the table. He immediately calmed down but still was a bit pissed.

"Hey I'm older than you so don't cut me off unless you wanna go back to the streets"
Yoongi silently decided not to piss off jin again, and nodded towards the other ghoul.

"Anyways, they look like fetuses, and their basically liquid muscles that make ghouls, well ghouls."

Yoongi looked annoyed and confused "Isn't that exactly what I just said?"

Namjoon shot him a look that just screamed shut the hell up. Jin on the other hand, now calm, said "Yoongi you've been nothing but intolerant the whole time you've been here and I think maybe you mood could be brightened. Therefore I've decided to tell you one of my world famous jokes."

Namjoon looked like he wanted to die at the sound of that news.

"What do ghouls eat yoongi"



Now Yoongi understood Namjoon's appearance and felt the same way as him. 

"Back to the matter at hand, like Jin-hyung said RC cells are what produce our kagunes or our natural weapons. They are the only material which can hurt ghouls, Which is why the CCG makes their weapons from our kagunes. They come from the kakuho, the organ that stores RC cells. Without it we would probably get ROS" Namjoon explained to Yoongi.

"What's ROS?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon started off into the distance for awhile, pondering how much Yoongi should know, probably.

"Nothing you need to worry about right now" he said.

"Well what do I need to worry about right now?" Yoongi asked confused. Namjoon looked at Jin, who nodded letting him now he could say more.

"Our mission" Yoongi looked even more confused now "and what is that exactly?"

"To put it in layman's terms to it's to find and kill the person who-"

"who killed my father" Jin cut Namjoon off. there was a light in his eyes, but it was different than the one from there before. That was like a warm hand pushing someone towards the right path. This one was raging fire, tame at the moment but it looked like it could erupt at any second.

But Yoongi could get behind revenge, in fact it wasn't like he wasn't living his own form of it.


Whoop chapter 3 is done
Sorry this took so long but I haven't been exactly motivated lately
However my plan this summer is to have a new chapter out before Friday and after Tuesday every week
If it a chapter isn't out by then I'll explain why in this authors notes section that chapter

But can we all agree that Love yourself: tear is a bomb ass album because damn
My favorite song is probably outro: tear

Anyways see you guys next chapter!

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