Chapter 5: The Man With a Mohawk

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A Few Days Later

Honnouji Academy: Classroom 2-K

Ryuko: *Stare*

(Y/N): *sweats* (whisper) please stop.

Ryuko: (whisper) Not until you tell me how you got to class so fast the other day.

(Y/N): (whisper) There... There was another cable car!

Ryuko: (whisper) Bullshit!

(Y/N): (whisper) Aliens.

Ryuko: (whisper) Tell me damnit!

Ryuko had been pestering Y/N ever since he had miraculously showed up to class on time during No-Late Day. She couldn't figure it out for the life of her and she wanted to know how. Y/N would either ignore her, deflect the question, or just outright run away. However, Ryuko wouldn't give up so easily. The bell rang and the students left the classroom. The trio walked out together, as usual.

Ryuko: Tell me how you did it!!!

(Y/N): I said I "ran" didn't I?

Ryuko: You expect me to believe you "ran" all the way to the class room with less than 30 seconds until the bell rang!?

(Y/N): ...Yes?

Ryuko: You're wearing a Kamui too, aren't you!?

Ryuko jumped on Y/N and began trying to rip off his shirt.

(Y/N): Waaah! That's sexual harassment!

Mako: I'm so happy you guys are getting along!

(Y/N): Mako please help me get her off! Wah! S-Stop that tickles! *Laughs*

Ryuko relented and got off.

Ryuko: Hmmmm... You're not wearing a Kamui.

(Y/N): There is no way in sin, that I would be caught dead wearing one of those "Kamui".

Ryuko: Hey! Senketsu is a great piece of clothing!

(Y/N): With THOSE kind of transformations!? No way.

Ryuko: I didn't choose that! Mako back me up here! Mako?

Ryuko turned around and Mako was no longer there.

Ryuko: Mako? Mako!! Y/N did you see where-

Ryuko turned around to see Y/N being carried off by the biology club.

(Y/N): I really hate this place... -_-

Ryuko: Hey! Get back here!

Ryuko transformed and chased after the club members all the way to their lab and confronted their leader.

Ryuko: Taking hostages is pretty low!

Mako: Ryuko, you're so cool!

(Y/N): Why am I always being taken too!?

Biology Club President: They are not hostages! They are the Biology Club's precious Guinea Pigs!

Ryuko lunged at the club president with her Scissor blade and cut off his uniform as well as the other club members. The attack ended up sending everyone outside and into the courtyard.

Ryuko: I guess that wraps it up.

Mako: Thanks, Ryuko!

(Y/N): Yes, thank you for rescuing us... again.

Ryuko: Don't think you've escaped my questions!

(Y/N): Poo. -_-

Ryuko collapsed her blade to a significantly smaller size.

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