Chapter 18: The Frying Pan

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Satsuki: *gasp* ...Gah....Wa....Huh?

Satsuki found herself still breathing and slowly opened her eyes.

Satsuki: I'm.... alive?

She slowly rose to her feet and looked as to where she was.

Satsuki: The sewers....

She looked up and saw the collapsed hole that she fell through. Her neck was still sore but she was more shocked that she was still alive, especially after how much force Y/N used to slam her, literally, into the ground.

Satsuki: Does that mean?.....

After a moment she started to take in her surroundings and spotted something familiar under a small pile of debris.

Satsuki: That's-!



S.S. Naked Sun

A Few Hours Later

Tsumugu: Damnit!

Tsumugu slammed his fists on one of the computers in the bridge.

Tsumugu: What the hell happened!?

Aikuro: Y/N was being controlled by Ragyo, and at this rate, most likely, so is Ryuko...

Sanageyama: Satsuki was...

Nonon: Shut up! Don't you dare say that!

Tsumugu: How's the other guy?

Aikuro: The Mankanshoku's are looking after him, we'll get a status report later. For now, we need to get out of this area, the COVERS are going to come this way.

Moments later, the ship's alarms began to blare.

Inumuta: Something's heading straight for this ship, and fast.

Tsumugu: What!?

Moments later and large ball of light landed directly on the main deck of the S.S. Naked Sun. With a huge explosion, Ryuko stepped out from the crater, transformed into Junketsu, Ryuko smiled at the member of Nudist Beach.

Ryuko: I'm gonna destroy it!... I'm going to destroy it ALL!

After making her entrance, Ryuko started to demolish the ship

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After making her entrance, Ryuko started to demolish the ship.

Tsumugu: Is that-!?

Aikuro: Damn. She's going to demolish the whole ship!

Inumuta: I can't fathom a worse scenario than this.

Sanageyama: This the end?... Well I'm not going down without a fight!

Sanageyama grabbed his Tailor's Knives and rushed off to face Ryuko.

Nonon: You're not leaving without me! I have a bone to pick with that troublemaker!

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