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"Ryleigh!" Grant whispered loudly.

I snapped back into reality. Grant was back on the ground now. I stood up and took the few steps over to them.

"Are we leaving?" I whispered.

"What?" Grant replied. "No, we're not leaving. But I can't fit through the window. Not head first anyway. I'm too heavy."

I looked from him to Will. If we weren't leaving and Grant couldn't get in through the window, then what were we doing standing there?

"I'm not good at taking hints, apparently," I sighed. "So, we're not leaving...then what..."

Then it dawned on me. I paused, my eyes wide. I took a step back from them.

"No," I stated. "No way. I'm not going in there first!"

Grant started pleading with me. He said that if they hoisted me up feet first, I could get in and land on my feet.

"And then what?" I almost shouted. "Once I'm inside?"

"There's a door around back. Unlock it and let us in." Grant looked apologetic, but I wasn't buying it.

"No," I replied. "If Dean or Gina find me?"

"They won't. The door is right there. Once you let us in? You can go outside, okay? You don't even have to stay in the cabin. Just wait out here. Hide in the bushes. Will and I can go find Aaron. If anything happens? You run. Okay?" Grant begged.

"If anything happens? Run?" I scoffed. "And then the three of you are captured here and I'll do what? Run? Back to Cal and Beth and, oh yeah, Mr. Dead Body downstairs."

I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was huffing and puffing as though I'd run a marathon. Bending over, I placed my hands on my knees and took deep breaths. I knew if Grant could have thought of any other idea, he wouldn't be asking me to do this. Then my mental file cabinet flew open and I had the sudden image of Aaron getting beaten by Dean. My face flushed with anger. I knew we had no other choice.

If I could get in fast and race to the door, I'd be safely hiding back outside. I wouldn't have to see Aaron in whatever condition I feared he was in. His one swollen eye flashed before me and I shuddered. He didn't deserve to be in there. I knew it in my heart.

"One condition," I said as I blinked tears away. "Anything happens and you both run. If we get separated? We meet back at the bent branch off the path. But we are all getting out."

Will and Grant exchanged agreeable nods and then looked at me.

"Feet first," Will instructed.

I narrowed my eyes at Grant and reluctantly followed Will up the window. He gave me quick instructions that I pretty much forgot as soon as he said it. I was petrified.

Will held out both arms. "My lady."

I smirked and let him pick me up.

"Round and round she goes!" Will sang, flipping me upside down with ease.

I felt the window with my feet and let the pane slowly scratch along my shins. I sunk deeper and deeper until I was dangling back and forth from my waist. My hands were trembling and getting sweaty as I felt around for the floor with my feet. I lowered myself inch by inch.

My ribcage was crushing into the metal window pane and my arms were giving out. Just as my toes touched the ground, I lost my grip. I landed on my feet, trembling so much that my teeth started to chatter. The room was pitch black. I put my hands out in the darkness, afraid to move. My eyes barely adjusted. I could see objects in a shadow form and that was only when it was about an inch from my face.

I walked right into an old washing machine and almost fell backwards. I heard the metal door bounce back into shape. Making my way around it, I turned a corner and entered the kitchen. There was vaguely enough moonlight streaming in from the door's miniature window, but I was able to grab the door handle and feel my way up to the locks. I pulled the door open quietly and rushed outside. Grant put a hand on my cheek and smiled.

I nodded and ran past him. I hit the bushes and curled up in a ball. Taking deep breaths between my knees, I desperately tried to steady my heartbeat. I had done it.

My shaking slowed and I reassured myself that I was safe. I didn't have to go back in or do one more thing. Then I heard glass break from inside. I jumped up onto my knees, straining to see what happened. The door was closed and the window was too high to see through.

No! Stay right here where you're safe!

I grunted in frustration. Slowly standing up, I tip toed to the cabin door. I placed my ear against it, but it was silent inside. My hands twitched. I couldn't sit outside unless I knew they were okay. I had to at least hear it for myself that they were safe in there. I wiped my hands on my shorts and turned the knob, afraid it would squeak from my going so slowly.

Gripping the countertop with one hand, steadying myself as I strained to listen. There was only silence. My eyes slowly adjusted enough to carefully make my way around the kitchen. As I cautiously took another step, I felt a smooth, cool surface. My fingers hit a long handle and I instantly recognized it. A refrigerator.

I gasped at the familiar touch. My mom flashed in my mind; her standing over the stove cooking as she and I chatted casually. The way she would randomly turn around to face me and I would catch a glimpse of the "mom smile" she always gave me. The one that says how much she loves me, she's my biggest fan, and how much she absolutely treasured moments like those.

I hated that something belonging to Gina and Dean had sparked a memory of my mom. They didn't deserve to take the credit for a memory like that. I slid down to the floor and sat for a moment. It took so much for me to keep going when my body just wanted to give up from exhaustion and stress. Crawling on my hands and knees, I made my way to the end of the kitchen.

To my left was the laundry room where I had come in through the window. I could see it still wide open. Standing up quickly, I rushed over to the window and slid it shut. I paused every few seconds to listen for the guys but didn't hear a sound. Feeling my way out, I entered a small living room. There wasn't much furniture but Grant had been right when it said it was nicer than the other cabin. My hands felt the smooth fabric of the couch as I slowly crept along. I almost knocked into a side table, steadying both it and myself at the last second.

I felt around on the table top and my fingers gripped a tube shaped object. I grabbed it and brought it close to my eyes. A flashlight! I tested it quickly, its light flashing on and off once. I looked its string around my wrist.

Footsteps were coming my way. I could hear heavy breathing and I froze in place. Bending slowly, I crouched onto the floor near the couch. The footsteps were heavy against the floor. My hand gripped the flashlight, squeezing it as I closed my eyes. As long as the lights stayed off, I was hidden.

Someone made their way past the couch. I felt the breeze of air rush by and the scent of cigarettes. My body was trembling. All it would take is one look over the couch to find me there on the floor. I didn't move a muscle.

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