Dream Breakers (Chapter 8)

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Noah laughed at my blatantly honest remark. “I’d love to stick around and watch you freak out, really I would, it’s adorable, but we should get going. The lunch bell is going to ring any minute now.”

It was coming. I was going to lose it on him. I was outraged, and shocked, and surprised, and scared, and nervous all at the same time which kind of made me feel like I was either going to pass out or throw up, or do one first and then the other and I just couldn’t help needing to take control of the situation.

“Hold on a second! We aren’t seriously just going to pick up and walk to English Lit now, like you didn’t just confess to knowing the biggest secret of my life. A secret, I'll remind you, that I just found out about, yet don’t even fully understand myself! You cannot be serious. Cannot. You cannot honestly expecting me to sit through that class as if you’d never said anything? Wondering whether or not you’re going to out me, or what you’re saying about me to all your friends. I caaaan't," I said, drawing out the word, "I can't, because just what even. What about me makes you think I would just sit back and be okay with that?” She was rambling and she knew it. Going on and on in circles with her argument though her point had obviously gotten across with that first round of cannots.

“Okay, I’m open to suggestions,” he smiled at me and all of the rage that the entire cafeteria just saw and heard me unleash disappeared.


“We can go to my car and talk if you want?”

So the two of us left together, slipping out the side door of the school and made our way down to the parking lot. I hadn’t ditched a single class since my parents’ car accident. Ever since then I vowed to pick up my and clean up my act. You sure as hell couldn't improve your GPA if you never went to a single class. That was part of the promise I made to Harleigh, as well. No more ditching class, work harder to lift my GPA, and the other thing. The big one. No more self-harming.

The weather outside was pleasantly warm. Or maybe, in my panic, I was just trying to convince myself of this. Still, it seemed the thermal I wore was just enough. I was grateful for that, at least, considering short sleeves in public were no longer an option for me. Since everyone else was in class, where Noah and I were supposed to be, the campus grounds were quiet and deserted, the occasional tardy straggler making his or her way toward class in an awkward, fast-paced walk-run. Although there was so much potential for our automobile hang-session, I knew not to expect much other than maybe an interrogation. We both settled into the car, Noah comfortably in the driver’s seat, me self-conscious in the passenger. And for a moment neither of us spoke.

“Sorry I freaked.” I didn’t look up as I spoke those words. I paid large amounts of focus to my chipping black nail polish.

The pace of my heartbeat quickened as Noah gently lifted my chin to look at him. “You have nothing to apologize for. I can only imagine having someone expose something like that about my life. You should never apologize for telling someone how you feel, or what is on your mind.”

“So, how exactly did you know about…what I can do?”

“Well, I found out from The Society, for one.” There was that name again, ‘The Society.’

“And you know about The Society because…?”

“I know about them because I’m a Breaker too.” There was no hesitation. He just answered my questions outright. Not bothering to lie or give half truths or fabricated stories. I appreciated that more than he knew.

He smiled. I froze.

“How…how long have you been able to—”

“To Break? All my life pretty much. But it only started becoming a noticeable issue when junior high started.”

“My dad told me Breaking had started early for me, how is it that you’ve been aware since junior high?”

“Breaker’s don’t usually get their legs until about age eighteen or so. Usually it’s after that eighteenth birthday. Never before. You and I are the first pre-eighteen Breakers in our history. That’s pretty bad ass in my book.”

“Bad ass, indeed,” I said softly.

“You’ll probably be a really skilled Breaker. Your dad was such a—”

“My dad?” My head jerked up.

“Yeah, and I’m…I’m really sorry about your parents. Your dad was amazingly skilled. Paxton was an infamous Breaker, an amazing mentor, and an even greater friend.”

I stayed silent. This was too much. Again. Everything was too much. I scratched at the newest cut on my arm.

“Look, I want to help you. Sort of, teach you what I know. Your dad taught me as much as he could before…” Noah trailed off.

So my dad knew Noah? I filed that fact away for further exploration later. “Okay,” I agreed.

“Good. I’m assuming that you know some of the basics?” I was silent once more. “Alright. You know how to Break in and out right?”

“I mean, it’s not an exact science yet, but I know what it takes, so let’s just say...yes. Yes, I know how.”

“What about manipulating your environment, settings, memory, clothing?” I shook my head and made a face that seemed to convey both an apology and an excuse for not knowing how to do more. “Breaking from person to person?” Noah suggested. Still, nothing from me. “Wow,” Noah mouthed. He scratched the back of his head. “It looks like we’ll be spending a lot of time together.”

“So I guess the sooner we get started the better,” I said, shocking myself at my brazen attitude. I brightened up at the thought of spending extra time with him.

“You guessed right. How’s today after school?”

“Today is…” I considered the timing of it. “Today is fine.”

“Unless today’s no good for you?”

“No, I’ll just have to break plans with Harleigh but she’ll totally understand.” …I think.

“It doesn’t have to be right after school.” Noah looked away from me. “I told Lauren I would stop by and check on her, so we’ll meet up after that, if it’s cool?” Noah said, and I nodded.

We discussed meeting at the old ballet studio Harleigh and I always occupied, then talked about the things we’d go over first. Breaking from dreamer to dreamer, manipulating and controlling the surroundings, as well as how I would need to learn hand-to-hand combat. He wouldn’t tell me why.

Before we split off to go to our respective classes Noah took my cellphone and keyed his number into it.

“Text me so I’ll have yours too,” he said.

I agreed and we parted in opposite directions. When I finally got to class I dropped my bag on the desk next to Harleigh’s, not quite sure how to tell her everything that had happened.

I turned to her and stage whispered, “Oh. My. God. Harleigh Cadence Deals you will NOT believe what went down!”

“Easy there, Karsten Nyx Summers, using my middle name like that. You know that’s privileged information. If anyone repeats that information to me I’m going to have to kill them. And you know how I made that promise about not killing people anymore…”

“Sorry. But you will literally lose your marbles at the information I am about to provide you with. Also privileged.” I winked.

Harleigh smiled at me with a wicked grin. “Spill it, Summers.”

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