Abandoned For Now

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Sharp and painless without sound

I didn't feel the cold hard ground

Was this to be my final end

If only I could choose to mend

The heart left broken on the streets

Battered, abused, and surely beat

For as I lay there and listened out

I could hear them moving all about

Coming to take what was once mine

Though I would gladly leave it behind

This little trinket in my hand

Helped me finally understand

Just how to fix my broken self

And leave my emotions on their shelf

For if they ever once came down

I would surely be left to drown

In my ocean of pity and sorrow

Not even wanting to see tomorrow

So they came and took it away

They had finally killed their prey

As I lie there on the ground

I heard a soft and gentle sound

I craned my head to turn and see

Just what kind of creature it be

When there in front of me was a sight

One that illuminated the night

She gave me a smile that was like the moon

One at men would surely swoon

She tore off some clothe from her black dress

And covered my wounds created by stress

As we stared into each others eyes

I forgot I was left alone to die

She helped me up and asked me how

I got to where I am now

when I told her of what happened last

she helped me cope with all my past

and took me to her humble home

then I realized I was not alone

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