Chapter 8: Unexpected Guest

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The boy was standing in her bathroom, looking down at her with a slight, serene smile on his face. He was unusually tall, up to two metres. He had long raven black hair dropping on his chest, and his eyes were cold, crystal blue as freezing ice. He wore a black sleeveless shirt and blue trousers, his feet left bare. His arms were strong and muscled, as well as deeply scarred in many places. Golden rings with big black gems beautified his ring-fingers, and golden celestial bracelets adorned his arms. But Lily, seeing this strange boy appeared out of nowhere straight in her bathroom in time of her still being in the hot tub, screamed out loud and leant against the edge of the tub, covering her chest, her cheeks reddened from embarrassment:

"Help me! A thief! Get out or I'll call the police!"

Hearing such exclaims, the boy opened his mouth and spread a deep, ominous laugh:

"I don't really understand - you called me here yourself and now you're sending me away?"

"I never called anyone, especially some filthy boys! I was just having a bath!" Lily reddened from anger and almost sprung out of the hot water, her chest uncovered. The boy widened eyes:

"Whoops, now that's quite a size..."

Lily first surprisedly raised an eyebrow, but then, seeing the direction of the boy's gaze, looked down at her big chest and gasped, turning all red. She yelled and hid in the water again:

"How you dare! Turn around!"

"I'm not some worthless thief to you. You called me in this private bath of yours in all of a sudden as if I didn't have more serious work to do, and now you're calling me names? I am not a toy. I'm an unearthly warrior".

"Unearthly warrior?"

"Ugh, you, humans, are such low-level creatures..." the boy mumbled under his breath, "I'm an angel. This might be an easier word for you to understand".

"Hey, don't call us humans stupid! Wait, you say... you're an angel?! Really?" but then she puckered: "I don't believe you".

"Huh? You want to say I'm a liar?!"

"No angels have black hair," Lily stuck out her tongue.

"Ugh, such an annoying little brat!" the lad sneered, and in all of a sudden, unfolded black torn wings. "Here, a proof! You happy now?"

Lily gasped and put a hand to her mouth - these were the same pitch-black torn wings she saw on the black apparition before!

"You... you..."

"This is what happens when I have mercy on these ants..."

"So that means, you really are an angel?!" joy shimmered in Lily's eyes. "Hurrah! I knew it!" she jumped and clapped hands, "I knew it! I knew it!"

The lad rolled eyes with annoyance and hid his wings. 

"So, why on earth did you call me in your private bathroom, anyway?"

"Um..." the girl blushed, "You know, I didn't really think you'd appear. I thought I had no angel and could call upon none. I was just trying to, well, prove myself wrong..."

"Eh? You're saying you called upon me on pure accident?!"

"Well yes..." the girl shrugged - why was he so angry? In general, angels didn't mind being called upon by accident, as long as they were sure their hosts were alright. "Why are you angry with me? You were the one who never appeared before and never even shed a glimpse of light aura on me, making me think I had no angel and was doomed for life!"

"It was never my job to babysit a human soul in the first place!"

"Huh? What kind of an angel are you then?"

"A unique kind. That's not your business".

"Well fine! I don't need the likes of you anyway. Ugh, I preferred my life without an angel, you're too grumpy!" she rolled eyes and got out of the hot tub, walking up to her towel she had hung on the wall.

"Well I don't need a depressed girl like you either!" the lad angrily spoke. He then sighed, and obliquely glanced at her. Suddenly, a particular thing attracted his gaze on her back. "Whoops, quite a bounty..."

The girl widened eyes again, not able to understand what he meant, but then, as she turned around and spotted the lad's gaze directed at her bottom, she reddened up and screamed, quickly covering her body with her towel, and gnashed her teeth:

"Now that's it... I've had it!" she furiously put on her flip-flops and walked up to the robust boy, "Take this, you perv!" she slapped him across the face.

"Ouch! Painful..." the lad rubbed his cheek, and then laughed demonically: "You never change..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Nothing. You don't remember your past life so you won't understand," he bitterly smiled, but then let out a sigh: "I really hoped one of the angels would patronize you though..."

"Huh?" Lily stared into his shimmering icy blue eyes, and guessed: "Oh, you mean... you knew Lilith? My first incarnation?" 

"I didn't just know her..."

"Oh..." Lily couldn't quite grasp the meaning of these words, but then she shrugged and put a hand on his shoulder: "Anyway, thanks for saving me back there... I never got to thank you properly".

The lad chuckled:

"You're welcome".

"Anyway, what's your name? I've never asked you".

"I have many," he shrugged. "Angels call me Samael. That is my birth name, the angelic one. But, um, you humans very often call me Lucifer..."

Horror spread down Lily's spine:

"You... You mean, the devil?!"

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