That Boy

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"Jeremy!" I squealed as my boyfriend scopped me up and flung me over his shoulder. I laughed and squirmed, but only half heartedly. "Put me down you idiot!" I said between laughs. 

"Fine, fine. I'll put you down you big baby." I could hear the smile in his voice as he gently lifted me off his shoulder and sat me in my beach chair. I couldn't help but marvel at how easily he lifted me. I mean I'm by no means a tiny person, although i'm not huge. I have a lean frame, almost completely muscle, being a runner and doing multiple sports. I stand at an average height of 5'6" and weigh just about 120 pounds, yet he handled me as if i weighed no more than a child. I grinned up at him from my seat, taking them time to notice how great he looked in swim trunks. His sunkissed tan skin, sculpted chest and abs, swoon. I always loved his broad shoulders and narrow hips perfectly muscled body, and i couldn't help but admire the view. 

"Earth to Jen, I mean I know I'm hot and all, but I have feelings too!" He said in his highpitched voice, immitating Sophie Jameson, the snobbiest girl in our school. I grinned and finally tore my gaze away from his body to look at his face, which was just as distracting.

"Sorry Jer, couldn't help but admire the view" I teased with a wink. He gave me his adorabbly crooked smile and crouched down in front of me. I couldn't help but grin like an idiot every time I looked into his warm brown eyes. 

"Josh wants to know if we're down for a game of football. I wasn't sure if you were feeling up to running yet..." He rubbed his hand along his neck and smiled at me nervously. 

"Stop feeling bad, it wasn't your fault dummy. I told you my knee has always been messed up. Anyways i challenged you to that race!" I rolled my eyes with feigned anger, but we both knew I could never be angry at him. Although it did get on my nerves that he seemed determined to take the blame. I winced remembering that night I hurt my knee.


It was a dreary Janurary day, it had just finished raining and everyone was attempting to avoid puddles. I nudged him as we saw a group of freshman squealing about how "this weather is runing their hair". We grinned at each other and sprinted across the pathway to them purposefully jumping in the puddles next to them and getting them all wet. We ended up covered in mud, but so were they. They squealed and ran away as we burst out in laughter. Classes were over anyways so I didn't feel bad at all. Jer and I ended up rolling around on the ground laughing until we cried. Finally we sat up, but seeing each other covered head to toe in mud, soaking wet with hair plastered to our foreheads caused us to burst out in laughter again. Finally I stood up and started shaking the mud off myself as much as possible,"Like Oh-Em-Gee, this mud so clashes with sneakers! and this weather is ruining my hair!" I gasped and made my voice really highpitched at I gestured to my dirt stained sneakers and mudd coated hair. Really the mud didn't bother me in the slightest, my hair was pulled back in a pony tail, and I was wearing my old sneakers, so I just didn't care.

Jer grinned up at me and we started walking back towards my car talking about our chem project we should have started last week. "Shit,"  He exclaimed and I narrowed my eyes, I hated when he swore it was so classless, then I glanced at my clothes and shrugged, who was i to talk about class when i was coated in mud and sweat.  "I forgot my notebook, and it has our entire lab write up in it! I think I left it in Schmidt's class." He glanced at me and rubbed his neck like he always did when he was nervous. 

"What an idiot, well we better go get it. Come on he might still be in his office." I sighed and we started walking towards the building. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, and grinned. "Hey Jer, bet I can beat you there." I grinned, he was faster than me, but I was a distance runner, and it was quite a far walk. I figured I could make beat him in the long run. I grabbed his hand and was practically bouncing. I made my eyes super big and said, "Pleeeeeease"

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