-you belong to me- yandere! darkiplier x female! reader

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you get the idea

P/n= pet name

Bf/n= boyfriend name

3rd POV:
You ran through the woods as fast as you could. You had to hide from him. He was coming getting closer. And you were his target. But you couldn't let him get you.

You hid behind a tree and tried to slow down your breathing. Tears started to fall down your face as you tried to remember how you got here.

(Earlier that day)

You were walking to mark's house, to see what's going on. He's been acting weird lately. Not just the plain weird like he always acts like. But this is different, no one has talked to him in awhile. He hasn't even made a youtube video in a while.

You checked your phone omce more for your bf/n, to see if he has texted you. It's not like him to not text you. You brushed it off and assumed that he was busy.

You arrived at marks house and knocked

No answer

Confused you placed your hand on the door and turned it. It opened. Now you know somethings up, mark always locks his door.

"Mark?" You called out into the darkness

"In here y/n" mark sounded different, his voice was a little deeper than usual. You shook your head and thought that maybe he was just sick.You walked inside, it was really dark in here.
(I don't know the anatomy of mark's house so just go with it please >_<)
You walked around the house, careful as to not run into anything. You walked by a hall, and at the end of it was a closed room, with light showing in it.

You walked down to the end of the hall right infront of the room. You closed your eyes and opened the door.

Inside a single light shown in the middle of the room. And in that room, shown something you can never forget.

(Has blood and gore, so if you are sensitive to that than skip it)

Your boyfriend was there, laying on the floor.

The blood. It was everywhere

stab wounds all over his chest. His head and limbs detached from his body. You covered your mouth and stifled a sob. Bf/n was dead. A look of fear forever on his face.

"Did you miss me?" A voice said behind you and you turned around sharply. There was mark, but it wasn't him, you knew exactly who it was.

It was darkiplier.

"Well what do you think? Do you like it?" Motioning to your boyfriend.

You couldn't bring yourself to look at it anymore.

"Why did you do this?" You ask. Your breath shaking.

"I did it for us. He was in the way of us" he said, stepping closer to you.

"You- you monster! You killed him!" You yelled as tears ran down your face.

He looked shocked for a moment. But soon his face turned into a sinister smile.

"Oh y/n, sweet sweet y/n. Of course i did, i had to"

You shook your heard as you stayed away from him.

"S-stay away from me!" you yelled as you ducked away from him and ran out the door.

"Ooh hide and seek, i can't wait" he chuckled as he followed after you

(Present time)

"Oh y/n~ where are you~" your breath hitched aa you heard him not to far from you

Dark smiled as he neared the tree your hiding behind.

"No matter where you hide..."

He's getting closer

"I will always find you"

You calmed as you heard him walking farther away.

"Found you~" you jumped as he grabbed your shoulders. You struggled to get away from him as he chuckled.

"Now we can ve together y/n. Forever"

You cried as he turned you to face him and wrapped his arms around.

"Shh don't cry p/n. You'll be ok"

You internally cringed as he used that name. His pet name for you to be exact.

He placed his hand on your forehead and you could feel yourself getting sleepy. (Ues in this oneshot dark has the power to make you sleep)

He picked you up bridal style and you heard on last thing before the darkness took ober your vision.

"From now on you belong to me"

A/n: and there you go! Another one finished. Sorry it's so short, but anyways enjoy!

word count: 730

Farewell friends~ A.M Psychopath

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