RULE #ONE!!! - You can't play, IF, you don't feel like it. you must...
-Be willing to learn.
-Have the patience.
-Not be distracted
-Be interested
-Must of all just have fun doing it :)
-And most importantly be prepared (we'll go into that in later chapters)
I'm going to start off by telling you how I get in the mood to play a song or just fool around. Usually I'm just in my room listening to music somedays and I find one song that has a nice beat to it (we'll go over finding the right songs in later chapters). Then I listen to it a few times and see (and hear) if the song is easy enough for me to play (With someone or by myself. Because not all songs take one person. You'll understand later on). A few days ago I heard this song called Beat the Devil's tattoo by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club as I was watching some action movie (I mostly watch action movies to find awesome songs. I suggest you do that too. but we'll go into that in later chapters).

How To Play Guitar
RandomYup! You guessed it. Here's a book that'll teach you the basics of learning how to play the guitar.