Chapter 36

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Soundtrack: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - Home

Dedication: izzy (@chillstyles) hiii i love how you added the old version of tangerine to your reading list and continued over to my new account here, that means a lot :) love your comments babe, stay awesome x


"You've got everything?"

"Yes, Harry."

"Are you sure? We can turn around if you need to."

"H, we're halfway there," I chuckle, peering to my right at the boy in the driver's seat. "I think your mum would like us to get there today, rather than tomorrow."

"Sorry, Scar," Harry blushes adorably, keeping his eyes on the road. "I just wanna make sure you're comfortable."

"You're doing a good job of it," I smile serenely.

The entire ride goes like this. Chatting about silly things, singing along to old songs on the radio and feeling the fresh air of the country roads whip past Harry's vintage car. We've been playing games like every time you see a stop sign you have to moo or else spill an embarrassing fact about yourself to pass the time. We haven't been keeping score but it's been entertaining nonetheless.

We're taking the long way to Cheshire; not taking any main roads or busy routes that might have too many stops along the way. We're trying to stay as low-key as possible and it just so seems to be working out perfectly. Harry has just finished telling me about the time he stubbed his toe on purpose when he was five just so his mum would give him an ice lolly, when he suddenly moos out loud, cutting his own self off.

"Where the hell was that one?" I gape, not ready to spill more of my dark secrets just yet.

"Down the dirt road we just passed," Harry chuckles, staring straight ahead.

"That's not even fair, I didn't see it."

"That's how you got me last time!"

"Fine," I smirk, resting my head back against the headrest of the passenger seat. "I'm touring with a boyband."

"I'd no idea," Harry jokes, letting his mouth curl up at the sides.

"No, that's my embarrassing fact," I chuckle. "I'm touring with a boyband."

"That's embarrassing to you?" Harry's hands visibly clench over his steering wheel, though he tries to hide it.

"Well, yeah," I ignore the boy's dejected aura to explain my thoughts. "Not so much anymore but when I first got the offer to open for you I was ready to turn it down right away."

"What changed your mind?"

"You," I say simply.

"What?" Harry's voice raises slightly. He quickly glances back at me while still watching the road.

"I mean, all of you," I hastily correct myself, not wanting him to get the wrong idea; whatever that idea may be. "I grew attached... I guess. And I couldn't let you go. If anyone was gonna tour with you this year it was gonna be me. I couldn't have anyone else taking that place. No matter if I'm still considered a rockstar or not," I chuckle at that last bit.

"You're sweet," Harry muses.

"Sweet?" I joke to distract from the pink flushing over my cheeks. "Is that your embarrassing fact?"

"It's not embarrassing," Harry studies me for a moment, surveying my darkened eyes, then turns his attention back to the road. "You're gonna like my mum."

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