i'm sorry

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louis pov

the whole day i was with Ally and i loved it. we had so much fun. i made sure that she was smileing all the time i knew she was happy and i loved that. i love her and hope we can be together forever.

it'sw now time for the concert we have and i'm kind of sad that i can't be with Ally on stage but i know she's okay with and i don't have to be with her all the time. we were getting ready and i was laughing with ally while she was doing me hair. now it's time to go on i kissed ally a left time to give the fans what they paid for

ally pov

the guys just left to go on stage i was alone in the room cause lou went to the hotel cause lux was sick. i went on my to see what was happing on twitter

as soon as it opened i saw alot of hate comments and when i looked at the trending topic "kill yourself Ally" was number one, i couldn't help the tears rolling down my face i felt terible. i keep scrolling threw everything for about an hour

i couldn't take it anymore i got up and went to the suplise i found a razor that we use to trim the guys beards and went to the bathroom i looked in the mirror my make-up was runny and my eyes were puffy i cried a bit more then took the blade to my wrist i made four cuts before i was sobbing and fell to the floor

i cut again this time i made twelve cuts on my arm when i was done i heard the door open i looked up to see liam looking at me wide eyed he turned around and left i could hear him talking to someone and that's when louis ran into the room he got a towel and cleaned my cuts then he put Band-Aids on them

he sat on the floor next to me and huged me saying sweet things in my ear while i cried on his sholder this is what i needed i know i made a big mistake i mean i've thought about it for years but never went through with it cause louis would always help me threw it and i love him for that

after i calmed down Louis helped me up then we went and sat on the couch in the dressing room. it was a bit weird cause the other clearly didn't know what to do but i was okay with what do you do at a time like this

we all sat in silence untill harry spoke " so who's hungry?" we all stared at him but i didn't feel like making feel bad cause i know what that feels like so i spoke up

"yeah i'm done what do you want" louis looked at me and smiled and i know why it's cause to that means that i would talk to him later about it and he's right caus it always happens

" how bout Nandos" niall said we all laughed but agreed we got up and louis gave me his sweater while the other boys walked out, before he could go i took his hand and he turnd around

"louis i'm sorry i know i made a mistake i just let everthing get to me and it happened if you don't love me anymore i undestand but i just want to say sorry for what i cause "

i started ti cry when i felt him hug me, he let go and put a finger under my chine i looked up at him and he kissed me after he puled away he spoke

" Ally i will never leave you i love you to much to do that you will forever be mine i am a bit upset but i love you next time please just come talk to me okay even if i'm in the middle of a concert i will be there for you okay.... now come on we got to get going cause you know how niall is with Nandos"

i nodded and we left i love louis so much i would be nowhere without him i hope we can be togeth forever


heres another on for you hope you liked it

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