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Brad's POV

"Your flirting is the worst thing ever!" Chester laughs as we walk down the dark streets, back to our shared apartment. We are on our way back from a restaurant that we went to for our friend Rob's birthday. And yes, I was flirting with the waitress.

"It was the best thing ever until she said she was married. You know I'm gay anyway dude, I was just messing with her." I shot back at Chaz, making him laugh more.

"I can't believe you didn't notice her wedding ring."

"Shut up. " I tell him, hearing a quiet sobbing sound coming from somewhere.

"Dude you should be more observant-"

"Shut up."

"What,can't take the teasing?"

"No, Chester shush, I can hear someone." Chester finally stops talking and we both stop walking.

"Oh yeah." He replies quietly, hearing the sobbing too. We look around us for the source, but we can't see anyone.

"Anyone here?" I call out, heading towards a dark alley on the side of the pavement.

"G-go away" a voice stutters back. It's a man. Chester and I jog to the alley and there we find him, curled up in the corner with nothing but a torn shirt covering him. He looks fragile and broken, shaking in pain and fear. The sight is heartbreaking.

"We want to help you" Chester tells him softly, placing a hand on his back, which is facing us so we can't see his face. The young man flinches at the touch.

"N-no.." he whimpers. I kneel down beside the guy and find his shaking hand, holding it reassuringly.

"Please let us help, I promise you it's just us two, I'm Brad, my friend is Chester. We aren't going to hurt you, I swear." I tell him but he doesn't reply. "Will you let us carry you back to our apartment?" The man nods shyly, so I turn to Chester.

"You think you can carry him?" I ask him.

"He looks taller than me, you should do it." I nod in return and turn back to the broken guy.

"Can you tell me your name?" I ask him while gently rolling him onto his back. I can see his face clearly now, he looks around the same age as me and Chester. He's got a short dark beard and really dark hair, almost black I think.

"Agh..." He groans in pain, "M-Mike" he manages to say.

"Brad would it be better to call an ambulance?" Chester suggests, seeing that Mike is in pain from when he was attacked. I was just thinking that too.

"No... Please" Mike replies. I look around but can't see the rest of his clothes, so I take off my jacket and cover up Mike's private area with it. I dont want him to feel uncomfortable or scared. It's very clear he was raped. "I'm gonna lift you up now, okay?" After receiving a nod, I pick him up carefully under his legs and shoulders.

"It's only a quick walk, Mike." Chester assures him as we start walking. The rest of the walk is completely silent, other than the little whimpers from Mike that the poor guy can't help.


"I'll run a bath." Chester tells us as soon as we get into the apartment and he disappears off to the bathroom. While he's getting a bath ready, I take Mike into the lounge and sit him on the large brown sofa, where he then brings his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them.

"Do you want a drink? Any food?" I ask gently, but he doesn't reply. "I want you to know that we will help you and we want you to stay here at least until you're better." Then the poor guy opens his mouth to speak.

"Don't have a home anyway." He mumbles sadly. I kneel down in front of him and place my hand over his.

"You're homeless?" I question.

"My parents kicked me out yesterday." This guy must've had so much shit thrown at him in his life, it's unfair. I stay silent, hoping he will continue to explain, but he doesn't. And I don't want to be too invasive, so I don't ask him. Chester returns a couple of minutes later.

"The bath is ready." He tells us both. I smile and stand up, offering my hand out for Mike.

"Can you walk?" I ask, knowing that he could still be in too much pain to walk. Mike just stands up by himself and limps forward. There's clearly pain in the lower half of his body. I lead him to the bathroom and stay there for support as he takes off his torn top and gets into the bath, wincing as the water touches him.

"Can... Can I be alone?" Mike asks quietly, as if he's scared to ask. He stares down at the bath water shyly.

"Sure as long as you'll be okay. Call out if you need anything, yeah?" He returns a small nod, and then I leave the room, giving him the privacy he wants. He's probably gonna want to be alone a lot so that he can process everything that's happened to him.

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