Chapter Nine ⋆

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A small, fragile body was slumped against the wall in a dark but spacious room.

Her nose was bloodied, other than that she was unharmed

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Her nose was bloodied, other than that she was unharmed.
She looked so useless and weak.
How could someone like her dare to fight?


I opened my eyes drowsily.
Everything was blurry and unfocused.
A rush of pain hit my nose, reminding me of what had happened.

I involuntarily attempted to move my hand to cover it.
Except it's tied up.
I tried shuffling a bit, to no avail.



"Finally awake, are we?"

A relatively young man, wearing a dark blue kimono stepped in the room.
He had golden hair with vivid red highlights that somehow looked natural.

His face was plastered with a grimace.

Mimisaku answered with a dirty look on her face.

"I was told to take care of you until the boss comes.
Unfortunately, that's means no fun for me..."

He said almost monotone, with a glint of annoyance in his eyes.

Why so quiet?
You must be scared... How sad.
I was told you were quite something."

Mimisaku looked away, angrily.

"Instead, you're looking like a useless little princess!"

The man started laughing.

what really amuses me is the fact that you knew people were after you and you still got caught!
Silly girl!"

She could feel the anger boil inside of her with every word he said.

"What do you even want with me anyways?!"
She growled

The man slowly walked towards her, an evil grin on his face.

How rude of me.
I haven't even introduced myself!"

He paused, bowing slightly.

"Sakai Kane.
I'm here to take your ass back to where it came from!"

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