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I feel horrible! She must hate me now, I would like to tell her that I'm sorry but for that you have to find her before. She could be anywhere, this forest is a real labyrinth, what am I going to do now. Oh no ! What if she had been attacked, or ... no, I must not think of such things, I must calm down, I will surely find her.


Gene: The chameleon can no longer circulate in this part of the forest.

Alex: So we're going on foot, he said loudly, here's what we're going to do, you and Ruby go in that direction, Alien and I to the opposite, it will be less risky go there in pairs.

Ruby: Okay!

Our friends separated on these after that.


What happens to me, I see all blur, my ears hear a voice that is unknown to me, that does not stop saying '' damsel! '' '' Damsel! '' I can not answer him but I have the impression that it is to me that he speaks. My eyes start to open and I see a head close to mine, I feel a warmth emanating from this person, it is sweet and pleasant, I feel so good. It is only after a few minutes that I go back down to earth and that I realize that I am in the arms of a man, panicked I get up abruptly pushing the young man. Once away from him I remember that it was the musician I had seen a few minutes before. I'm so ashamed, I'm stupid!


Twinkle: I'm sorry! I do not know what took me to fall like that, I interrupted you

The young man: It's not a problem, it's rather for you that I worry, you look tired, he said anxiously

Twinkle: No, I'm okay, do not worry, I'm used to it.

The young man: If you say so, I believe you but you should be more careful.

Twinkle: Thank you 😄😄.
In fact I adored your performance, you play really wonderfully !

Young man: I'm glad you liked it, oh! But what a misunderstanding I do! I did not even introduce myself!
So, my name is Leonard, to serve you, "he said, putting a delicate kiss on the little fairy's hand.

Twinkle: Uh ... uh, Twinkle is my name, it' s a pleasure to meet you, Leonard, she said, subdued.

Leonard: Let's stop there politeness ,

Twimkle: Okay but you first.

Leonard: No, honor to ladies.

Twinkle: Okie! she said, laughing with him. "I am glad to meet you" !

Leonard: You're really funny girl, you can call me Leo and then I wanted to ask you a question.

Twinkle: Which one?

Leo: I was wondering if it's wings that you have on your back?

Twinkle: Oh, yes, these are my wings because I'm a fairy.

Leo: Wait, what? A fairy ?!

Twinkle: yes, haven't you ever seen a fairy before?

Leo: Where I come from there is none.

Twinkle: Ah, so I'm the first one you see, it's funny! Where do you come from?

Leo: Well ...

Their conversation was stopped by a shout, it was Alex who was looking for Twinkle, and who was shouting her name. She wanted to run away on hearing his voice.

Twinkle: Oh no! I do not have to stay here!

Leo: But why? Wait, he said grabbing her arm, do not leave.

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