violets house

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Kayla :  Hey

Taylor: Hey girl wat u been up to ?? 

Kayla: Girl nun u ??

Taylor : Same here. You ready to go get Violet and Destiny??

Kayla : Girl yea

Violet P.O.V

Man wats  taking Taylor so long to get here . Man  and Destiny ass is late but that's nothing new .So I go to my room and lay down  on the bad . I start to watch t.v until Ihear a knock on the door..

Violet : Who is it ??

??? : Destiny

*Violet opens the door*

Destiny. : Hey girl Taylor and Kayla still not here ??

Violet : Hell naw this is there first time late !!

Destiny : Calm down girl .

We go up stairs and talk for about 30 mins. and someone rings the door bell.

Violet : Who is it ??

Taylor : Its Taylor !!

Kayla. : And Kayla !!

          *I let them in*

Violet & Destiny : Kayla u finally  moved here ?!?!

Kayla : Yea lol

Destiny : Whey are y'all late??

Taylor : I had to get on Keisha about getting this boy order wrong 5 time .And that took 1hr. over my time and she a mess.

Destiny : Kayla  you see any cute boys at the airport ?!?!

Kayla : Your a mess but this one boy that I talked to was sorta cute..

Violet : You Taylor today at work ?!?!

Taylor : Yea the boy that Keisha got order wrong  like 5 times.

all the girl but Taylor : wow *laughing*

Kayla : Are you talking about Keisha Bell ??

Taylor : Yes

Kayla : She fucking suck at everything she do

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