Oh. My. Impala. I HAVE OVER 2000 READS!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!! Now, I know you're all wondering what is going to happen to Aisling, will she die, save the day, or will the entire cast just decide to quit and leave me all alone on set? FIND OUT AFTER THE DISCLAIMER!!!!!! Ps: on the side is a trailer for the story. I made it, because I was bored, and uh, yeah. I know it sucks, but it was my first youtube video ever, let alone trailer. okay, now go read the disclaimer!
Jensen Ackles: Uh, Zorlia doesn't own Supernatural or Twilight. Why am I here.....shirtless?
Zorlia: Motivation.
Dean: Shapshifter! *bang bang*
Zorlia: No! My motivation! T_T
I cried as I was dragged into the circle. I looked up and watched as the Succubus poked a finger with a knife that came out of nowhere. Blood started to pool there and she squeezed the finger to let a drop hit the salt. Suddenly, instead of white salt it all turned red, I felt like something was pressuring me. She smirked at me.
"With my blood now forming the circle, you can't leave. Do you like feeling trapped?" She sneered. I spat on her face, glaring at her. She frowned, disgust evident on her face. She turned around and grabbed the book from the floor, and began to flip through it. I heard something behind me and saw that the boys had guns pointed at me.
"Stop." Everything froze, I glanced at the girl, seeing her read the book with a bored face. She stopped them with just one word, how powerful is she? The girl looked up, and smirked.
"Lust is a powerful emotion. It can make you do anything. It's simple really, if one of my brothers were here, you would be just like those two." She giggled and skipped over to the desk, and sat on it, swinging her legs. I frowned, trying to think of a way to get out. I started to stand up, and walked forward just to be forced back by the circle. So she wasn't lying.
"Tsk, you humans never listen. Reckless creatures, it's disgusting." She chided, still looking like an innocent girl, but all I saw was a monster.
"So, do you have a name or something? I like to know the monster that's attempting to kill me." I asked, trying to seem aloof. The girl smiled.
"Call me Lucy. I've always did love that name. I guess there's hope for your kind yet." She informed me. I rolled my eyes.
"So Lucy, why are you killing humans? Aren't you Succubi supposed to be harmless?" I decided to stall, just until Alice decided to do that whole, premonition thing and send help. Female help. That's when something came to me, maybe she can't see us. Maybe there are limitations to her ability, it would explain why there wasn't help yet.
"Even we demons have bosses. I was ordered to have my way with those broken humans. Not any fun if you ask me, I like to have my playthings last. Your brothers seem to be healthy, I think they would be perfect. That is until I leave to continue out my orders of course." Lucy answered, eyeing my brothers, actually she was eyeing Dean, but that doesn't need to be mentioned.
"Who ordered you to kill those boys? What is the purpose of killing innocent boys?" I asked, not understanding.
"Innocent? Honey, no one is innocent. Know the seven sins?" She asked, cocking her head.
"Yeah, Sloth, Pride, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, and Lust." I said, not understanding her point.
"Lust. My brothers and sisters exploit that sin. I'm going to let you in on a little secret." She leaned forward. "Every single human I have encountered has that sin. Somewhere in depths of your soul there's those seven gems. I just give you the pleasure of seeing what it can do. Who wants to be pure? Being pure means being different, weird, alien. I've found that humans nowadays will do anything to be normal, to be just like each other. They claim to be different and original, but that's when fads are made, and everyone joins in. Not that original then huh?" I frowned.
"Even now you try to be normal. Going to a regular high school in the middle of nowhere, when you no that you're different from them. You still strive to be one of the regulars. You want to be normal." I looked away.
"Your wrong!" I shouted, though I was lying.
"Nothing to be ashamed of, it's normal for you to want that. Ironic isn't it? You're normal for wanting to be normal. Sorta like a catch 22." I tried to ignore her, but it was hard. "Well, it's been fun, but I think that it's time for you to, die." My eyes widened as she was suddenly in front of me and I was forced to my knees by an unseeable force. Her hands wrapped around my throat, cutting of the air in my lungs. I looked at my brothers for help, but neither of them moved.
Now, I don't know if it was my mind being low on oxygen, or if I had just lost my mind, but I decided to do something stupid. Very, very, stupid.
"C-Caer-ule...us ...mi-tto" I stuttered, the vice grip on my throat getting tighter. I saw Lucy laughing, she didn't know what I was doing. "U-U-Un-de ven-is-tis....ad hu-nc" I continued, feeling the area inside the circle get hotter. "C-Cam-pum!" Lucy froze, her grip getting looser. The heat rose.
"Pro-fect-us inde re-di-re plan-o; Nati hu-ius sae-cu-li li-cen-tia tene-bra-rum et cal-igi-nis mor-te si-mul!" Lucy lurched, her hands releasing me. I felt my body start to burn, like an overly hot summer day.
"Caeruleus mitto unde venistis ad hunc campum! Profectus inde redire plano; Nati huius saeculi licentia tenebrarum et caliginis morte simul!" I repeated, trying not to cry out from the now blistering heat. Lucy growled, staring at me as her skin started to bubble. My own skin was being burned as well, but I ignored it.
"Are you mad? If you finish that spell, you'll be sent to the astral plane as well!" She snarled. I just spat at her, blood coming out as well. My soul was leaving my body.
"Then's let's go bitch." I snarled.
"Caeruleus mitto unde venistis ad hunc campum! Profectus inde redire plano; Nati huius saeculi licentia tenebrarum et caliginis morte simul! Caeruleus mitto unde venistis ad hunc campum! Profectus inde redire plano; Nati huius saeculi licentia tenebrarum et caliginis morte simul! Caeruleus mitto unde venistis ad hunc campum! Profectus inde redire plano; Nati huius saeculi licentia tenebrarum et caliginis morte simul!" My skin blistered even more, tears were escaping out of my eyes but ignored the pain. Lucy on the other hand withered and screamed. The boys tried to come to her rescue, but were repelled from the tainted circle. What was meant to trap me was her own undoing.
"Caeruleus mitto unde venistis ad hunc campum! Profectus inde redire plano; Nati huius saeculi licentia tenebrarum et caliginis morte simul! Caeruleus mitto unde venistis ad hunc campum! Profectus inde redire plano; Nati huius saeculi licentia tenebrarum et caliginis morte simul! Caeruleus mitto unde venistis ad hunc campum! Profectus inde redire plano; Nati huius saeculi licentia tenebrarum et caliginis morte simul!"
I repeated it over and over, crying out as I felt my soul being ripped out of my body. I fell to my knees and gasped, blood leaving my mouth.
"Caeruleus mitto" Pain erupted in my chest. "Unde venistis ad hunc campum!" I felt myself fall to the floor completely. "Profectus inde redire plano; Nati huius saeculi" My eyesight went blurry. "Licentia tenebrarum et caliginis morte simul!" With one last breath, darkness consumed me.
Being a Winchester
FanfictionTell me something, do you live in a nice small safe town? Yeah? Thought so, Have you ever wondered what's really there though? No? Thought that too, be careful with your about to read. this information is...delicate. It's not easy being me, actually...